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Wij zijn dealer van Dehn + Söhne veiligheidsmateriaal voor laag- midden- en hoogspanning. 
Onze Dehn spanningstesters, aardingsgarnituren, fase vergelijkers en veiligheidsgereedschap kent u waarschijnlijk vanuit de praktijk. 
Maar weet u ook dat DEHN systemen levert voor o.a. het reinigen en bijvullen van eindsluitingen onder spanning?                                                                                      
Hieronder vindt u ons gerubriceerde productprogramma.          Download complete catalogus


Algemeen Veiligheidsmateriaal

`Onder Spanning`

Veilig werken aan bovenleidingen

Spoorweg toepassingen


Fase vergelijkers

Voltage Detectie Systemen

Isolatie en schakelstokken


Aarding- en kortsluitgarnituren

Apparatuur tot 1000 V

Overige Apparatuur

Productprogramma voor werken onder spanning

Apparatuur voor bijvullen onder spanning

Veiligheidsmateriaal voor werkzaamheden aan bovenleidingen


Aarding- en kortsluitgarnituren

Overige materialen



  • PHE III Spanningsdetector [430 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 30 kV / 50 Hz
    For indoor and outdoor installations (also in wet weather), with self-testing device, visual and acoustic indicator, short transport length, quick battery exchange without tools
  • PHE Spanningsdetector [250 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 30 kV / 50 Hz
    For indoor and outdoor installations (also in wet weather), with self-testing device, visual indicator, short transport length
  • PHG II Spanningsdetector [90 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 20 kV / 50 Hz
    For indoor installations, Category "S" for switchgears, visual indication by 3 LEDs, requiers no battery
  • HSA 194 Afstand Spanningsdetector [200 KB]
    Nominal voltage range 110 ... 420 kV / 50 Hz
    For verifying safe isolation from power supply without contacting high-voltage overhead lines (also in wet weather) with self-testing device, visual and acoustic indicator
  • PHE/G dc Spanningsdetector [170 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 7.5 kV dc
    For indoor and outdoor installations (also in wet weather), with self-testing device, visual indicator, short transport length, two-pole unit
Accessories: Electrodes, Test Probes, Spare Parts [120 KB]


Fase vergelijkers


  • Tweepolige PHV Fasevergelijker [130 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV/ 50 Hz
    For indoor and outdoor installations (also in wet weather), resistive, passive phase comparator, colour-coded test prods according to nominal voltage
  • Enkelpolige PHV Fasevergelijker [80 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV/ 50 Hz
    For indoor and outdoor installations (also in wet weather), short transport length due to removable insulating rod, frequency range 49.90 ... 50.10 Hz

Accessories: Electrodes, Tas [90 KB]


Voltage Detectie Systemen

  • DEHNcap/MDS Interface Modules [140 KB]
    Nominal votages up to 45 kV / 50 Hz
    Three-pole cable set, saline fog tested, for use as HR and LRM test point, adapted to existing, capacitive coupling electrodes, separate coupling and front panel unit
  • DEHNcap/P Spanningsdetector [90 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 45 kV / 50 Hz
    Passive detector without battery supply, LED indication, for use as permanent voltage detector
  • DEHNcap/A Spanningsdetector [120 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 45 kV / 50 Hz
    Active voltage detector for verifying safe isolatin from power supply, indications by two separate LEDs, integrated self-testing device and battery control, automatic deactivation after use
  • DEHNcap/IT Interface Test Unit [120 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 45 kV / 50 Hz
    Active voltage detector for maintenance tests at coupling units, indication by two separate LEDs, integrated self-testing device and battery control, automatic deactivation after use
  • DEHNcap/PC-LRM Fasevergelijker [120 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 45 kV / 50 Hz
    Active voltage detector for testing LRM measuring sockets for in-phase condition for HR measuring sockets with two HR-LRM measureing adapters, indication by three separate LEDs, comparator registers zero crossings of both systems to be compared, battery control

Accessories: DEHNcap Meetadapter / Meetimpedanties [110 KB]



  • SZ Zekeringtrekkers [110 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV
    For indoor and outdoor use (NOT in wet weather), operating head with two adjustable jaws, straight or angled (20°) clamping head, high retention force, wide clamping range (Ø 30 ... 90 mm)
  • IS Isolatiestokken [100 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 123 kV / 50 Hz
    For indoor and outdoor use as operating rod for insulating protective shutters (NOT in wet weather), attachable operating head allows use as a switching rod, supporting head for hexagon terminal shaft or T pin shaft, also for use as earthing rod
  • SCS Schakelstokken [80 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 110 kV / 50 Hz
    For indoor and outdoor use (NOT in wet weather), fully insulated, massive switching rod head, allows for deep access to the installtion, for use as operating rod for insulating protective shutters


Geïsoleerde veiligheidsschotten

  • Geïsoleerde veiligheidsschotten [140 KB]
    Rated voltages 1 kV up to 36 kV
    For protection from unintended contacting of live parts of the installtion (indoor only!) with rated voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV, four different designs allow their use in nearly all types of switchgears


Aarding en kortsluitgarnituren


Apparatuur tot 1000 V


Overige Apparatuur


Productprogramma voor werken onder spanning

Accessoires voor: Laagspanning en middenspanning -reinigingssets [110 KB]


Apparatuur voor bijvullen onder spanning

  • Middenspanning bijvulapparaat [130 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV / 15 ... 60 Hz
    Refilling of insulating oil under live conditions; safe, easy, and quick refilling procedure
  • Middenspanning geïsoleerde schroevendraaier [140 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV / 15 ... 60 Hz
    For screwing and unscrewing of sealing screws of cable sealing ends under live conditions, exchangeable operating heads
  • Speciale afsluitschroeven [130 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV
    For closing cable sealing ends, UV-resistant


Veiligheidsmateriaal voor werkzaamheden aan bovenleidingen


  • Veiligheidsmateriaal voor werkzaamheden
    aan bovenleidingen
    [300 KB]


    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV
    For working at energised parts, material: natural india rubber, dual-colour design - easy identification of cuts, crack or damage, no fatigue of the hands due to soft rubber mixture
    Lederen veiligheidshandschoenen
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV
    For use as a covering glove to protect insulating gloves against mechanical damage, for use as operating glove for cleaning work and refilling of insulation oil, material: robust neat's leather, with safety strap for good fit
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV
    For working at live parts, material: natural india rubber, dual-colour design - easy identification of cuts, crack or damage, maximum coverage - allows for optimum protection against contact of arm and shoulder area
    Nominal voltages up to 36 kV
    For working with energised parts, material: natural india rubber, highly flexible with marginal perforation, for use as hanging aid and for locking, available as slit and non-slit unit
    Isolatiematten en -buizen
    Nominal voltages up to 26.5 kV
    For covering energised overhead lines, material: natural india rubber, resistant against UV and ozone radiation, with and without coupling for continuous installation


Spoorwegen - Spanningsdetectors

  • PHE Spanningstester [270 KB]
    Nominal voltages 15 kV / 16.7 Hz
    For overhead contact lines of electrical railsways (also in wet weather), with self-testing device, visual indicator, short transport length
  • HSA 194 Afstand spanningstester [110 KB]
    Nominal voltage range 110 ... 420 kV / 16.7 Hz
    For centre-earthed single-phase railway overhead lines (also in wet weather), with self-testing device, visual and acoustic indicator
  • DC Spanningstester [180 KB]
    Nominal voltages up to 7.5 kV dc
    For indoor and outdoor installations (also in wet weather), with self-testing device, visual indicator, short transport length, two-pole unit
Spoorwegen -
Aarding en kortsluitgarnituren
  • Spoorwegen aardingsmaterialen [200 KB]
    Set for overhead contact lines
    For transport in motor vehicles, profile-free or not profile-free
    Set for earthing towers
    For earthing at fuse carriers, earthing the feeding ling, earthing feeding line and railway conductors, for the supply of a transforer used for electrical heating systems for railway points and electrical preheating systems for trains
    Devices for construction machinery, cranes, staff cars
    Set for earthing next to rails
    Set for earthing at dedictated busbars
    Set for earthing at adjacent rails
Spoorwegen -
Overige materialen

  • Materialen voor het aarden van spoorweg toepassingen [250 KB]
    Earthing rods, universal clamps, rail earthing clamps, earthing and short-circuiting cables, storage bags, supporting devices, fixes ball points, earth connection plates, protective cases
    Further equipment: Fuse Link for voltage limiting devices

Dehn    Beschrijving Prijs    735001    YM2 earthing cable 100100    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1000mm St/tZn with KS screw     - SET -    735025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm;
100150    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1500mm St/tZn with KS screw     - SET -    735031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm;
101000    Air-termination rod D 10mm L 1000mm Al chamfered on both ends    735044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm²
101001    Air-termination tip, D=10mm L=1000mm, Al with lock nut for HVI conductor    735045    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
101150    Lead-in earthing rod D 16mm L 1500mm St/tZn    735046    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm²
102002    Concrete base B55 17kg D 337mm -SET- with recessed grip and M16 adapter    735048    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm;
102003    Concrete base B55 8.5kg D 240mm -SET- with recessed grip and M16 adapter    735049    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
102010    Concrete base B55, rec. grip, wedge -SET D 337mm H 90mm f.air-termin. rods D 16mm    735050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm;
102050    Plastic flat washer D 370mm black     735052    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm;
102060    Plastic flat washer D 280mm black     735053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 35mm;
102075    Concrete base with wedge D 240 mm -SET- f. air-termination rods D 10/16mm    735060    Earthing and short-circuiting device, single-pole, adjustable, hexagon shaft
102152    Air-termination rod with M16 thread L 1500mm Al    735061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
102211    Air-termination rod with M16 thread L 2000mm Al    735063    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
102252    Air-termination rod with M16 thread L 2500mm Al    735064    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
102340    Concr. base B55 17kg D 337mm, recessed grip, flat washer and wedge -SET-    735065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
103210    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735067    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
103211    Air-termination rod M 16mm L 1500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
103220    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 2000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
103221    Air-termination rod M 16mm L 2000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735101    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103230    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 2500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735103    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103231    Air-termination rod M 16mm L 2500m AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735104    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103240    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 3000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735105    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103241    Air-termination rod M 16mm L 3000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735106    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103250    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 3500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735107    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
103251    Air-termination rod M 16mm 3500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735108    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
103260    Air-termination rod D 16mm 4000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735110    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
103261    Air-termination rod M 16mm L 4000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735112    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
103280    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 5000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735113    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
103410    Pipe-shape air-term. rod D 16mm L 1500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735114    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
103420    Pipe-shape air-term. rod D 16mm  L 2000m AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735115    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103430    Pipe-shape air-term. rod D 16mm L 2500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735117    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
103440    Pipe-shape air-term. rod D 16mm L 3000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735123    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103450    Pipe-shape air-term. rod D 16mm L 3500mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735125    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
103460    Pipe-shape air-term. rod D 16mm L 4000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735127    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
103480    Pipe-shape air-term. rod D 16mm L 5000mm AlMgSi F22 diminuished by 1000mm    735132    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
104100    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1000mm Al chamfered on both ends    735134    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
104107    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1000mm Cu chamfered on both ends    735135    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
104150    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1500mm Al chamfered on both ends    735136    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
104157    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1500mm Cu chamfered on both ends    735138    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
104200    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 2000mm Al chamfered on both ends    735139    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
104250    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 2500mm Al chamfered on both ends    735317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
104300    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 3000mm Al chamfered on both ends    735325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
104600    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 6000mm Al    735331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
104903    Air-term. rod/lead-in earthing rod D16mm L 1000mm chamfered on both ends StSt    735357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
104905    Air-term. rod/lead-in earthing rod D16mm L 1500 mm chamfered on both ends  StSt    735358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
104906    Air-term. rod/lead-in earthing rod D16mm L 2000 mm chamfered on both ends  StSt    735359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
105071    Air-term. tip Al L 1000mm, MV terminal StSt f. Rd 8-10mm f. DEHNiso-Combi    735360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
105079    MV clamp StSt f. Rd 8-10mm f. supporting spanning of conductors for DEHNiso-Combi    735362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
105140    Wall fixing StSt with cleat for pipes D 40mm  for DEHNiso-Combi    735363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
105160    Fixing clamp for pipes D 40mm with tensioning strap D 90-300mm StSt    735365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105161    Fixing clamp for pipes D 40mm with space 35mm for standpipes D 45-65mm StSt    735367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105200    Hinged tripod support f. air-termination rods D 40mm L 4-5.5m inclin. 10° St/tZn    735368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105202    Air-termination rod D 40 mm  L 2000 mm with M16 adapter and earthing clamp    735369    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105203    Air-termination rod D 40 mm  L 3000 mm with M16 adapter and earthing clamp    735370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105214    Air-termination rod D 40 mm  L 4000 mm with M16 adapter and earthing clamp    735372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105215    Air-termination rod D 40 mm  L 5000 mm with M16 adapter and earthing clamp    735373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105216    Air-termination rod D 40 mm  L 6000 mm with M16 adapter and earthing clamp    735375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105300    Insulating pipe D 50mm L 3200mm GRP/Al  f. DEHNiso-Combi    735377    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105301    Insulating pipe D 50mm L 4700mm GRP/Al  f. DEHNiso-Combi    735378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105302    Separable insulating pipe D 50mm L 6200mm GRP/Al f. DEHNiso-Combi -SET-    735379    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105306    Insulating pipe D 50mm L 5700mm GRP/Al f. DEHNiso-Combi, air-termin. rod 2.5m    735380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105310    Pipe D 50mm L 3200mm GRP/Al with 5 air-termination tips f. DEHNiso-Combi    735382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105340    Wall fixing StSt with cleat for pipes D 50mm  for DEHNiso-Combi    735383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105341    Angled fixing plate StSt with cleat f. pipes D 50mm  f. DEHNiso-Combi    735385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105342    Wall fixing StSt with cleat for pipes D 50mm for DEHNiso-Combi    735387    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105343    Wall fixing St/tZn-StSt for pipes D 40-50mm clamping range 400-700mm    735388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105345    Wall fixing  St/tZn for pipes D 60mm clamping range 250-350mm    735389    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105350    Hinged tripod support adjustable in height f. pipes D50mm inclin. 10° St/tZn    735390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105354    Fixing equip. f. rail. f. DEHNiso-Combi f. pipes D-50mm clamp. range 1 1/2"-2"    735392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105355    Fixing equip. f. rail. f. DEHNiso-Combi f. pipes D 50mm clamp. range 2 1/4"-3"    735393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105356    Fixing equip. f. rail. f. DEHNiso-Combi f. pipes D-50mm clamping range - 50x50mm    735604    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable with PK1 base section
105360    Fixing clamp f. pipes D50mm, tensioning strap D 90-300mm f. DEHNiso-Combi    735618    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
105361    Fixing clamp for fixing pipes D 50mm at sector antennas spacer 30mm D 90-300mm    735619    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
105362    Fixing clamp for fixing pipes D 50mm at sector antennas spacer 95mm D 90-300mm    735620    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105363    Fixing clamp for omni-direct. antennas f mast D 55-100mm spacer 1000mm St/tZn    735621    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
105364    Fixing clamp f. omni-direct. antennas fo mast D 100-150mm spacer 1000mm St/tZn    735718    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105365    Fixing clamp for omni-direct. antennas f mast D 150-190mm spacer 1000mm St/tZn    735719    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
105376    Fixing clamp f. DEHNiso Combi 1 1/2-2" f. constructions -60x120mm    735720    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105377    Fixing clamp f. DEHNiso Combi, spacer 53mm 1 1/2-2" f. constr. -60x120mm    735721    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
105400    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 4000mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735802    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
105440    DEHNiso-Combi air-termination rod -SET- with wall holder D 50mm L 4200mm    735804    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
105450    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 4500mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735806    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
105455    DEHNiso-Combi air-termination rod -SET- with wall holder D 50mm L 5700mm    735807    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
105470    DEHNiso-Combi air-termination rod -SET- with wall holder D 50mm L 7200mm    735811    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
105500    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 5000mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735813    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
105550    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 5500mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735815    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
105600    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 6000mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735816    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
105650    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 6500mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735821    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
105700    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 7000mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735822    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
105750    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 7500mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735823    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp hexagonal shaf
105800    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 8000mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735825    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
105850    Air-termin. rod D 40/16/10mm L 8500mm Al with hinged tripod support St/tZn  -SET-    735826    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp hexagonal shaf
105912    Fangstange L 12m m. klappbarem Dreibeinstativ R 3m    735831    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
105914    Fangstange L 14m m. klappbarem Dreibeinstativ R 3m    735832    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
106008    Adapter for uprighting air-termination rods D 16mm  St/tZn / StSt    735833    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
106090    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 7-10mm L 530mm with fixing plate    735835    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
106100    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 7-10mm L 690mm with fixing plate    735836    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 35/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
106105    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 7-10mm L 1030mm with fixing plate    740300    Additional single-pole branch, L=600mm
106110    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 8mm DEHNgrip L 690mm with fixing plate    740800    Additional single-pole branch, L=800mm
106115    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 530mm with fixing plate    742225    4-pole short-circ. device f. low-voltage overhead cond., ins. screw clamps -95mm²
106120    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 690mm with fixing plate    742425    4-pole short-circ. device f. low-voltage overhead cond., ins. screw clamps -95mm²
106121    Fixing equipment f. railing f. pipes D 5 StSt, dist. rod L 200mm f. DEHNiso-Combi    743225    Earthing and short-circuiting device
106123    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 1030mm with fixing plate    743235    Earthing and short-circuiting device
106125    Light grey distance rod made of GRP D 16mm L 3000mm f. DEHNiso    743250    Earthing and short-circuiting device
106126    Fixing socket with locking screw W 16.2mm ZDC f. DEHNiso    743325    Earthing and short-circuiting device
106127    Wall fixing unit StSt with socket ZDC D 16 mm f. DEHNiso    743335    Earthing and short-circuiting device
106128    Fixing socket connector ZDC/StSt D 16mm with holder f. Rd 7-10mm    745016    Earthing cartridge NH size 4a
106129    Fixing socket connector ZDC/StSt D 16mm with mounted support f. Rd 16mm    745017    Earthing cartridge NH size 1...3
106150    DEHNiso dist. holder with MMV clamp f. Rd 6-10mm L 675mm without fixing element    745018    Earthing cartridge NH size 1...3
106160    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 8mm DEHNgrip L 675mm without fixing element    745105    Earthing and short-circuiting set for junction box 2xE14/E27 f. mast lightings
106165    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 7-10mm L 515mm without fixing element    745106    Storage case f. earthing a. short-circ. dev. f. junct. boxes of mast lightings
106170    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 7-10m L 675mm without fixing element    745107    Earthing and short-circ. device f. junc. box 2xE14/E27 f. street lighting inst.
106175    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 7-10m L 1015mm without fixing element    745201    Screw-in earthing insert size E27
106178    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16m L 515mm without fixing element    745202    Screw-in earthing insert size E33
106180    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16m L 675mm without fixing element    745203    Screw-in earthing insert size E27
106185    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16m L 1015mm without fixing element    745204    Screw-in earthing insert size E33
106225    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16m L 515mm with pipe clamp 1 1/2 - 2"    745302    Earthing cartridge NH size 00
106226    DEHNiso distan. holder f. Rd 16m L 675mm with pipe clamp 1 1/2 - 2" f. DEHNiso    745400    Earthing handle type TI
106228    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 1015mm with pipe clamp 1 1/2 - 2"    745401    Earthing cartridge NH size 1...3 with locking device
106235    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 515mm with pipe clamp 2 1/4 - 3"    745414    Earthing handle for T pin shaft with plug-in coupling  Un: - 1000V (LV)
106236    Distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 675mm with pipe clamp 2 1/4 - 3" f. DEHNiso    745415    Earhing handle for hexagon shaft with plug-in coupling  Un: - 1000V (LV)
106238    DEHNiso distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 1015mm with pipe clamp 2 1/4 - 3"    745426    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106245    DEHNiso dist. holder f. Rd 16mm L 515mm with fixing for tens. straps D 90-300mm    745436    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106246    Distance holder f. Rd 16mm L 675mm, fix. f. tens. straps D 90-300mm f. DEHNiso    745451    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106248    DEHNiso dist. holder f. Rd 16mm L 1015mm with fixing f. tens. straps D 90-300mm    745458    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106301    Clamping bolt  D 16 mm Al with screw, nut and toothed lock washer f. DEHNiso    745459    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106310    Angled fixing plate 90° StSt 110x60x30mm f. DEHNiso    745460    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106311    Angled fixing plate 90° StSt with clamping bolt Al D 16mm f. DEHNiso    745461    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106312    Fixing equipm. f. railings f. DEHNiso-Co socket D 16mm clamping range -50x50mm    745500    Earthing a. short-circuiting set type TI for CDC with steel plate case
106313    Fixing clamp f. DEHNiso Combi with socket D16mm f. constr. -60x120mm    745502    Earthing clamp with wing-nut bolt
106315    Angled fixing plate 45° StSt f. DEHNiso    745602    Earthing clamp with flexible adjustable handle
106316    Y-shaped angled fixing plate 90° StSt with clamping bolt Al B 16.2mm f. DEHNis    745816    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106319    Terminal StSt for profiles 5-18mm with clamping bolt Al f. D 16mm    745817    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device
106321    Clip f. tensioning straps W 30mm StSt with clamping bolt Al D 16mm f. DEHNiso    745900    Steel plate case, empty, f. earthing and short-circuiting set VI for CDC
106322    Clip f. tensioning straps W 25mm StSt with socket ZDC D 16mm f. DEHNiso    745901    Earthing a. short-circuiting set type VI with steel plate case
106323    Pipe clamp W 25mm StSt f. pipes D 90-300mm  f. DEHNiso    745902    Plastic case, empty, f. earthing and short-circuiting set VI for CDC
106324    Grip holder f. tensioning strap 25x0.3mm StSt f. DEHNiso    745903    Earthing a. short-circuiting set type VI with plastic case
106325    Adapter for angled support StSt f. air-termination rods D 16mm f. DEHNis    745905    Earthing cartridge NH size 00
106326    Adapter for angled support StSt f. pipes D 50mm with 2 bolts Al D 16mm f. DEHNiso    745910    Earthing cartridge NH size 1...3
106328    Distance holder f. Rd 7-10mm L 675mm with clamp D 50mm StSt f. DEHNiso    745915    Earthing cartridge NH size 4a
106329    Angled fixing plate StSt with M8 connection bolt and holes D 13/21/17mm    745921    Adjustable handle with flexible shaft f. earthing and short-circ. devices type VI
106330    Distance holder f. Rd 7-10mm L 515mm with clamp D 50mm StSt f. DEHNiso    745922    Earthing handle type VI
106331    Distance holder f. Rd 7-10mm L 1015mm with clamp D 50mm StSt f. DEHNiso    745925    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type VI
106340    Fixing adapter D 16mm straight ZDC/StSt f. DEHNiso    745926    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type VI
106341    Fixing adapter 90° StSt with socket ZDC D 16mm f. DEHNiso    745935    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type VI
106342    Fixing adapter 130° StSt with socket ZDC D 16mm f. DEHNiso    745936    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type VI
106352    Pipe clamp  1 1/2 - 2"  StSt with socket ZDC D 16mm  f. DEHNiso    745940    SEB set, fully insulated, three-pole
106353    Pipe clamp  2 1/4 - 3"  StSt with socket ZDC D 16mm  f. DEHNiso    750001    YM2 earthing cable 50mm²
106760    Holder 8x60mm GRP grey with thread M8x6mm    750025    E+K-Vorrichtung 1-polig Spindel 6-kant D  20mm L 2500mm 50mm²
106812    Distance holder PA/GRP, L=1000mm, grey with cond. holder D=20mm for HVI cond.    750031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 50mm²
106813    Distance holder PA/GRP, L=1000mm, grey with cond. holder D=23mm for HVI cond.    750044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 50mm²
106852    Distance holder PA/GRP L 500mm grey with conductor holder D 20mm f. HVI conductor    750045    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
106898    Plastic fixing adapter M8x10mm with M6 threaded pin f. DEHNiso    750046    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 50mm²
106899    Fixing adapter, plastic M8x10mm with socket D=16mm and screw f. DEHNiso    750048    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 50mm²
108001    Mushroom-type collector f. trafficable f roofs for Rd 7-10/Fl30mm G-AlMg3/St/tZn    750049    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
110000    Air-termination tip D 15mm  L 29mm  ZDC     750050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 50mm²
110017    Air-termin. tip D 15mm L 29mm Ms/galCu     750052    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 50mm²
123021    Air-termin. system f. metal roofs Al/StS air-termination rod D 16/10mm L 2000mm    750053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 50mm²
123031    Air-termin. system f. trapezoidal roofs StSt/P, air-term. rod D 16/10mm L 2000mm    750060    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
123031    Air-termin. system f. trapezoidal roofs StSt/P, air-term. rod D 16/10mm L 2000mm    750061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
123109    Air-ter. sys. StSt/Al f. ridge/hip tiles D 120-240mm, air-term. tip D10mm L1000mm    750063    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
123109    Air-ter. sys. StSt/Al f. ridge/hip tiles D 120-240mm, air-term. tip D10mm L1000mm    750064    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
145241    Wood pile/impregnated whitewood 90x90x2400mm based on DIN 48812    750065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
146309    Clamping cap, air-term. tip L 300mm StSt for wood pile 90x90mm, M10 screw -SET-    750067    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
200027    Conductor holder for Rd 6-8mm, Cu for downpipes D=50-120mm    750068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
200029    Conductor holder for Rd 6-8mm, StSt for downpipes D=50-120mm    750069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
200057    Conductor holder for Rd 8mm, Cu for downpipes D=100mm    750101    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
200059    Conductor holder for Rd 8mm, StSt for downpipes D=100mm    750103    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
200067    Conductor holder for Rd 8mm, Cu for downpipes D=80-120mm    750104    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
200069    Conductor holder for Rd 8mm, StSt for downpipes D=80-120mm    750105    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
200077    Conductor holder f. Rd 8mm  Cu f. downpipes D 80-100mm    750106    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
200079    Conductor holder f. Rd 8mm  StSt f. downpipes D 80-100mm    750107    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
200087    Conductor holder f. Rd 8mm  Cu f. downpipes D 100-120mm    750108    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
200089    Conductor holder f. Rd 8mm  StSt f. downpipes D 100-120mm    750110    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
200600    Dowel for HR foam plate L=50mm, PA for screws D=4.5mm    750112    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
200601    Dowel for HR foam plate L=85mm, PA for screws D=4.5mm    750113    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
202000    Single screw cleat DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm hole 8.5mm    750114    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 50mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
202001    Single screw cleat DEHNQUICK StSt f. Rd 6-10mm hole 8.5mm    750123    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
202003    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK f. Rd 6-10mm with brace L 160mm St/tZn    750125    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
202005    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK f. corrug. roof shield. profile 5 Rd 6-10mm St/tZn    750127    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
202008    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK for Rd 6-10mm with brace L 420mm St/tZn    750132    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
202010    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn for Rd 6-10mm, brace L 260mm St/tZn cranked    750134    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
202015    Roof cond. holder f. corr. roof shield. profile 5/8 f. Rd 6-10mm St/tZn    750135    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
202017    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK Cu for Rd 6-10mm with brace L 260mm cranked    750136    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
202020    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm clamping range 120-240mm    750138    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
202021    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm clamping range 200-280mm    750139    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
202027    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK Cu f. Rd 6-10mm clamping range 120-240mm    750317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202030    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm w. fixing plate 50x60mm    750325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
202037    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK Cu f. Rd 6-10mm w. brace L 260mm    750331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
202040    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm with brace L 260mm    750350    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202050    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm with brace L 115mm angled    750351    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202060    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm with fixing plate 100x100mm    750353    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
202080    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK St/tZn f. Rd 6-10mm with brace L 410mm angled    750354    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
202087    Roof conductor holder DEHNQUICK Cu f. Rd 6-10mm with brace L 410mm angled    750356    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202169    Single screw cleat DEHNQUICK StSt f. Rd 6-10mm hole 6.5mm    750357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202227    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK Cu for Rd 6-10mm clamping range 200-280mm    750358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202830    Roof conductor holder for HVI conductor D=20mm w. angled brace, L=115mm, St/tZn    750359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202831    Roof conductor holder for HVI conductor D=20mm w. straight brace, L=260mm, St/tZ    750360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202832    Roof conductor holder for HVI conductor D=20mm w. cranked brace, L=260mm, St/tZn    750362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202835    Roof cond. holder f. HVI cond. D20mm, angled brace H 175mm L 115mm P-St/tZn    750363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
202836    Roof conductor holder f. HVI conductor D 20mm, brace H 175mm L 260mm P-St/tZn    750365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202837    Roof cond. holder f. HVI cond. D20mm, cranked brace H 175mm L 260mm P-St/tZn    750366    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202840    Roof conductor holder for HVI conductor D=23mm w. angled brace, L=115mm, St/tZn    750367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202841    Roof conductor holder for HVI conductor D=23mm w. straight brace, L=260mm, St/tZ    750368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202842    Roof conductor holder for HVI conductor D=23mm w. cranked brace, L=260mm, St/tZn    750369    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202890    Angled brace L=107mm plastic with M8 adapter for conductor holder HVI    750370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202900    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK StSt for Rd 6-10mm clamping range 120-240mm    750372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202901    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK StSt f. Rd 6-10mm w. brace L 260mm cranked    750373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
202902    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK StSt f. Rd 6-10mm with brace L 260mm    750375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
202904    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK StSt f. Rd 6-10mm with brace L 410mm angled    750376    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
202906    Roof cond. holder DEHNQUICK StSt f. Rd 6-10mm, corr. roof sheet. profile 5/8    750377    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
204001    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic grey H 16mm f. Rd 8mm with M6 thread    750378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
204002    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic grey H 16mm f. Rd 8mm with M8 thread    750379    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
204003    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic grey H 36mm f. Rd 8mm with M6 thread    750380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
204004    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic grey H 36mm f. Rd 8mm with M8 thread    750382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
204006    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic grey H 16mm f. Rd 8mm w. threaded wood screw    750383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
204007    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic brown H 16mm f. Rd 8mm with M6 thread    750385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204017    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic brown H 16mm f. Rd 8mm with M8 thread    750386    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204027    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic brown H 36mm f. Rd 8mm with M6 thread    750387    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204029    Roof cond. holder FIRSTsnap StSt with DEHNsnap plastic grey H 16mm f. Rd 8mm    750388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204037    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic brown H 36mm f. Rd 8mm with M8 thread    750389    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204039    Roof cond. holder FIRSTsnap StSt with DEHNsnap plastic brown H 16mm f. Rd 8mm    750390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204049    Roof cond. hol. ZIEGELsnap StSt 4-16mm, DEHNsnap H 16mm plastic grey f. Rd 8mm    750392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204057    Conductor holder DEHNsnap plastic brown H 16mm f. Rd 8mm w. threaded wood screw    750393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
204059    Roof cond. hol. ZIEGELsnap StSt 4-16mm, DEHNsnap H 16mm plastic brown f. Rd 8mm    750500    Connector with M16 threaded bolt
204069    Roof cond. hol. PLATTENsnap StSt 4-16mm, DEHNsnap H 16mm plastic grey f. Rd 8mm    750604    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable with PK1 base section
204079    Roof cond. hol. PLATTENsnap StSt 4-6mm, DEHNsnap H 16mm plastic brown f. Rd 8mm    750802    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204088    Roof cond. holder UNIsnap H 16mm brown for Rd 8mm with brace L 205mm StSt    750803    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204089    Roof cond. holder UNIsnap H 16mm grey for Rd 8mm with brace L 205mm StSt    750804    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204107    Roof conductor holder adj. StSt/galCu w. DEHNsnap H 16mm plastic brown f. Rd 8mm    750806    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204109    Adjustable roof conductor holder StSt, DEHNsnap H 16mm plastic grey f. Rd 8mm    750807    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204120    Conductor holder DEHNsnap H 16mm grey f. Rd 8mm w.threaded wood screw + dowel 8mm    750811    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
204127    Roof conductor holder adj. StSt/galCu w. DEHNsnap H 36mm plastic brown f. Rd 8mm    750812    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
204129    Adjustable roof conductor holder StSt, DEHNsnap H 36mm plastic grey f. Rd 8mm    750813    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
204147    Roof cond. hol. UNIsnap Cu/plastic brown H 16mm Rd 8mm with embossed brace L 205m    750815    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
204149    Roof cond. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. grey H 16mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 205mm    750816    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
204157    Roof con. hold. UNIsnap Cu/plastic brown H 16mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 335mm    750821    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204159    Roof cond. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. grey H 16mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 335mm    750822    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204167    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap Cu/plast. brown H 16mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 475mm    750823    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204169    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. grey H 16mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 475mm    750825    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 50/25mm², univ. clamp hexagonal shaft
204170    Roof cond. holder DEHNsnap Al/plastic grey H 36mm Rd 8mm, brace L 205mm    750826    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
204171    Roof cond. holder DEHNsnap Al/plastic brown H 36mm Rd 8mm, brace L 205mm    750831    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 50/25mm² with universal clamp T pin shaf
204177    Roof con. holder UNIsnap Cu/plast. brown H 36mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 205mm    750832    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
204179    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. grey H 36mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 205mm    750833    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
204187    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap Cu/plastic brown H 36mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 335mm    750835    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
204189    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plastic grey H 36mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 335mm    750836    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 50/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
204197    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap Cu/plastic brown H 36mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 475mm    754200    Fixed ball point D=20mm, straight with M12 female thread
204199    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plastic grey H 36mm Rd 8mm, embossed brace L 475mm    754235    Fixed ball point D=20mm, straight with threaded bolt and nut M12x35mm
204229    Dachleitungshalter DEHNsnap NIRO/K-grau H 36mm Rd 8mm m. Strebe f. Ziegelfalze    754600    Fixed ball point D=20mm, straight with M16 female thread
204239    Dachleitungshalter DEHNsnap NIRO/K-braun H 36mm Rd 8mm m. Strebe f. Ziegelfalze    754645    Fixed ball point D=20mm, straight with threaded bolt and nut M16x45mm
204247    Roof con. hol. SPANNsnap Cu/plast. brown H36mm f. Rd8mm, clamping range 180-280mm    755200    Fixed ball point D=25mm, straight with M12 female thread
204249    Roof con. hol. SPANNsnap StSt/plas. grey H36mm f. Rd8mm, clamping range 180-280mm    755225    Fixed ball point D=25mm, straight with threaded bolt and nut M12x25mm
204267    Roof con. hol. SPANNsnap Cu/plast. brown H16mm f. Rd8mm, clamping range 180-280mm    755245    Fixed ball point D=25mm, straight with threaded bolt and nut M12x45mm
204269    Roof con. hol. SPANNsnap StSt/plas. grey H16mm f. Rd8mm, clamping range 180-280mm    755501    Connector, type A, M16 thread
204359    Roof con. hol. DEHNsnap StSt/plast. grey H 16mm f. Rd 8mm, angled brace 169mm    755600    Fixed ball point D=25mm, straight with M16 female thread
204447    Dachleitungshalter SPANNsnap light Cu/ K-braun H 36mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    755645    Fixed ball point D=25mm, straight with threaded bolt and nut M16x45mm
204449    Dachleitungshalter SPANNsnap light NIRO/ K-grau H 36mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    756200    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (45°) with M12 female thread
204467    Dachleitungshalter SPANNsnap light Cu/ K-braun H 16mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    756245    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (45°) with threaded bolt and nut M12x45mm
204469    Dachleitungshalter SPANNsnap light NIRO K-grau H 16mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    756300    "Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled     with terminal lug 50x30x9mm"
204906    Roof cond. holder f. corrug. roof sheet. profile 5/8 w. DEHNsnap 8mm StSt/P-grey    756600    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (45°) with M16 female thread
204911    Adjustable roof conductor holder StSt, DEHNsnap H 16mm plastic brown f. Rd 8mm    756645    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (45°) with threaded bolt and nut M16x45mm
204913    Adjustable roof conductor holder StSt, DEHNsnap H 36mm plastic brown f. Rd 8mm    757200    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (90°) with M12 female thread
204916    Roof cond. holder f. corrug. roof sheet. profile 5/8 w. DEHNsnap 8mm StSt/P-brown    757245    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (90°) with threaded bolt and nut M12x45mm
204921    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. brown H 16mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 205mm    757600    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (90°) with M16 female thread
204922    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. brown H 16mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 335mm    757645    Fixed ball point D=25mm, angled (90°) with threaded bolt and nut M16x45mm
204923    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. brown H 16mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 475mm    758001    Discharging device w. contact electrode single-pole, L=2000mm w. earthing clamp
204924    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. brown H 36mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 205mm    758003    Discharging device w. contact electrode single-pole, L=2000mm w. earthing tongs
204925    Roof con. hol. UNIsnap StSt/plast. brown H 36mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 335mm    758015    Earthing device, single-pole, L=1725mm with earthing tongs
204935    Roof con. hol. FLEXIsnap StSt/plast. gr. H 16mm Rd 8mm w. brace for tile slots    758020    Disch. device, contact/coupling electr. single-pole, L=465mm w. earthing clamp
204936    Roof con. hol. FLEXIsnap StSt/plast. br. H 16mm Rd 8mm w. brace for tile slots    758021    Disch. device, contact/coupling electr. single-pole, L=465mm w. earthing tongs
204937    Roof con. hol. FLEXIsnap StSt/plast. gr. H 36mm Rd 8mm w. brace for tile slots    758022    Disch. device, contact/coupling electr. single-pole, L=465mm w. cable lug 10mm²
204938    Roof con. hol. FLEXIsnap StSt/plast. br. H 36mm Rd 8mm w. brace for tile slots    759003    Steel plate case 950x210x100mm for PHV
206105    Roof con. holder f. corr. roof sheetings profile 5, DEHNgrip Rd 8mm St/tZn    759111    Test prod 10-12kV f. PHV  D 11mm L 415mm
206109    Roof cond. holder DEHNgrip StSt H 20mm for Rd 8mm clamping range 180-280mm    759121    Test prod 20-24kV f. PHV  D 11mm L 585mm
206170    Roof conductor holder DEHNgrip StSt/Al H 20mm Rd 8mm with brace L 205mm    759603    Test prod 3-3.6kV for PHV electrode with M8 threaded socket
206171    Roof conductor holder DEHNgrip StSt/Al H 32mm Rd 8mm with brace L 205mm    759604    Test prod 3-3.6kV for PHV 90° electrode with M8 threaded socket
206207    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip Cu H 20mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 205mm    759605    Test prod 5-7.2kV for PHV electrode with M8 threaded socket
206209    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip StSt H 20mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 205mm    759606    Single-pole phase comparator 6-12kV
206217    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip Cu H 20mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 335mm    759608    Test prod 5...7.2kV for PHV 90° electrode with M8 threaded socket
206219    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip StSt H 20mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 335mm    759610    Test prod 10-12kV for PHV electrode with M8 threaded socket
206227    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip Cu H 20mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 475mm    759611    Test prod 10-12kV for PHV 90° electrode with M8 threaded socket
206229    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip StSt H 20mm Rd 8mm w. embossed brace L 475mm    759612    Single-pole phase comparator 12-24kV
206237    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip Cu H 20mm f. Rd 8mm clamp. range 180-280mm    759615    Prüfspitze 10-17,5kV f. PHV Tastelektrod e m. Gewindebuchse M8
206239    Roof conductor holder SPANNgrip StSt H 20mm f. Rd 8mm clamp. range 180-280mm    759616    Single-pole phase comparator 6-36kV switchable
206247    Roof conductor holder SPANNgrip Cu H 32mm f. Rd 8mm clamp. range 180-280mm    759620    Test prod 12-24kV for PHV electrode with M8 threaded socket
206249    Roof conductor holder SPANNgrip StSt H 32mm f. Rd 8mm clamp. range 180-280mm    759621    Test prod 12-24kV for PHV L 880mm electrode with M8 threaded socket
206309    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip StSt H 32mm f. Rd 8mm embossed brace L 205mm    759622    Test prod 15-24kV for PHV 90° electrode with M8 threaded socket
206319    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip StSt H 32mm Rd 8mm embossed brace L 335mm    759624    Single-pole phase comparator 24-36kV
206329    Roof conductor holder UNIgrip StSt H 32mm Rd 8mm embossed brace L 475mm    759630    Test prod 25-36kV for PHV electrode with M8 threaded socket
206339    Roof cond. holder f. corrug. roof sheet. profile 5/8 w. DEHNgrip Rd 8mm StSt    759633    Test prod 25-36kV for PHV 90° electrode with M8 threaded socket
206349    Roof conductor holder DEHNgrip StSt H 20mm Rd 8mm with brace f. tile slots    759998    Plastic case empty for PHV I phase comparator 1270x215x140mm
206359    Roof conductor holder DEHNgrip StSt H 20mm f. Rd 8mm w. angled brace 169mm    759999    Plastic case empty for PHV phase comparator 930x215x140mm
206369    Dachleitungshalter DEHNgrip NIRO H 20mm Rd 8mm m. Strebe f. Ziegelfalze    761010    Earthing rod type A, L=1000mm
206389    Roof conductor holder f. roof and wall plates clamp. range 2-8mm f. Rd 8mm StSt    761011    Earthing rod type B, L=1000mm
206399    Roof conductor holder f. roof and wall plates clamp. range 8-18mm f. Rd 8mm StS    761015    Earthing rod type A, L=1500mm for hexagon shaft
206437    Dachleitungshalter SPANNgrip light Cu H 20mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    761016    Earthing rod type B, L=1500mm
206439    Dachleitungshalter SPANNgrip light NIRO H 20mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    763610    Switching rod 36kV L 1030mm
206447    Dachleitungshalter SPANNgrip light Cu H 32mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    763611    Switching rod 36kV L 1500mm
206449    Dachleitungshalter SPANNgrip light NIRO H 32mm Rd 8mm Spannb. 180-280mm    763612    Switching rod 36kV L 2000mm
206509    Roof conductor holder DEHNspann StSt Rd 8mm H 50mm L 220mm w. bending points    763615    Switching rod 72kV L 1500mm
206609    Roof conductor holder DEHNspann StSt Rd 8mm H 50mm L 188mm for installation    763620    Switching rod 72kV L 2000mm
206807    Roof cond. holder DEHNgrip StSt/galCu H 20mm f. Rd 8mm clamp. range 180-280mm    765001    Adapter for earthing rods SQ SK
206809    Roof cond. holder DEHNgrip StSt H 20mm f. Rd 8mm clamping range 180-280mm    765005    Switching head M12
206817    Roof cond. holder DEHNgrip StSt/galCu H 32mm f. Rd 8mm clamp. range 180-280mm    765009    Switching head w. T pin shaft
206819    Roof cond. holder DEHNgrip StSt H 32mm f. Rd 8mm clamping range 180-280mm    765040    Fuse tong straight Un up to 36kV D=30...90mm L=1060mm
207009    Conductor holder DEHNgrip StSt f. Rd 8mm H 20mm with fixing hole 7.8mm    765041    Fuse tong straight Un up to 36kV D=30...90mm L=1250mm
207019    DEHNgrip conductor holder StSt f. Rd 8mm H 20mm with M6 thread    765042    Fuse tong straight Un up to 36kV D=30...90mm L=1500mm
207029    DEHNgrip conductor holder StSt f. Rd 8mm H 32mm with 7.8mm hole    765050    Fuse tong angled Un up to 36kV D=30...90mm L 1070mm
207039    DEHNgrip conductor holder StSt f. Rd 8mm H 32mm with M6 thread    765051    Fuse tong angled Un up to 36kV D=30...90mm L 1250mm
207109    DEHNgrip conductor holder StSt f. Rd 8mm H 20mm with dowel 8x50mm and wood screw    765052    Fuse tong angled Un up to 36kV D=30...90mm L 1500mm
216000    Roof conductor holder w. double cleat f. Rd 7-10mm St/tZn w. clamp bush D 12mm    766001    Insulating rod 36kV L 1000mm M12 SK
216007    Roof conductor holder w. double cleat f. Rd 7-10mm Cu w. clamp bush D 12mm    766002    Insulating rod 36kV L 1500mm
223000    Roof conductor holder w. twin cleat Rd 7-10mm with angled brace 410mm    766036    Plastic case empty 395x295x105mm for test head PHE III
223005    Rod holder with brace L=475mm St/tZn for gable roof with StSt bolt Rd 16mm    766038    Support for telescopic insulating rod
223010    Roof conductor holder StSt f. metal roofs, bead Rd 20mm f. Rd 7-10mm    766039    Canvas bag L 1800mm D 200mm
223011    Roof conductor holder StSt f. metal roofs, bead Rd 20mm w. DEHNgrip 8mm    766040    Rescue rod Un ... 36kV L 1000mm
223020    Roof conductor holder StSt f. trapezoid. tin roofs, clamping frame f. Rd 8-10mm    766041    Rescue rod Un ... 36kV L 1500mm
223021    Roof conductor holder StSt f. trapezoid. tin roofs with DEHNgrip f. Rd 8mm    766042    Rescue rod Un ... 36kV L 2000mm
223031    Roof conductor holder StSt f. tin roofs w. parallel fold w. DEHNgrip f. Rd 8mm    766049    Operating head contacting aid with gear coupling for telescopic insulating rod
223040    Roof conductor holder Al for tin roofs bead Rd 20mm with clamping frame 6-10mm    766069    Artificial leather bag 1300x300
223041    Roof conductor holder Al/StSt f. tin roofs bead Rd 20mm with DEHNgrip 8mm    766100    Isoliestange SK mit Steckkupplung, L= 1000 mm
223070    Roof conductor holder Al for Rd 6-10mm f. tin roofs with rectang. standing seam    766298    Steel plate case, empty, f. earthing and short-circuiting set type TI for CDC
223070    Roof conductor holder Al for Rd 6-10mm f. tin roofs with rectang. standing seam    766300    Steel plate case, empty, f. earthing and short-circuiting set type TI for CDC
239000    Eaves support for Rd 7-10mm  St/tZn adjustable 1.00-1.15m    766302    Earthing a. short-circuiting set type TI for CDC with steel plate case
239001    Eaves support for Rd 7-10mm  St/tZn adjustable 1.25-1.40m    766311    SQ insulating rod 36kV L=1028mm
239009    Eaves support for Rd 7-10mm  StSt adjustable 1.25-1.55m    766313    Adapter for handle extension Plug-in coupling / T pin shaft
239019    Eaves support for Rd 7-10mm  StSt adjustable 1.45-1.75m    766315    Insulating rod 36kV L=1528mm
240000    Support for roof conductor H 600mm whitewood for Rd 7-10mm    766335    Handle extension 30kV with plug-in coupling L 710mm
241009    Tensioning block for Rd 8mm  StSt with 2 fixing holes D 9mm    766541    Two-pole voltage detector for low-voltage systems 100-500V a.c./d.c.
250000    DEHNfix conductor holder St/tZn-P-grey f. Rd 6-10mm H 30mm, striking dowel 8x45    766542    PN test prod for PN detector
250001    DEHNfix conductor holder StSt-P-grey f. Rd 6-10mm H 30mm, striking dowel 8x45    766543    Storage bag for SPN II
250007    DEHNfix conductor holder Cu-P-brown f. Rd 6-10mm H 30mm, striking dowel 8x45    766545    Voltage detector for low-voltage systems 120-1000V a.c./d.c.
250100    DEHNfix conductor holder St/tZn-P-grey f. Rd 6-10mm H 60mm, striking dowel 8x60    766601    Artificial leather bag 1200x250x160mm
250101    DEHNfix conductor holder StSt-P-grey f. Rd 6-10mm H 60mm, striking dowel 8x60    766602    Artificial leather bag 2470x220x100mm
250107    DEHNfix conductor holder Cu-P-brown f. Rd 6-10mm H 60mm, striking dowel 8x60    766603    Steel plate case 1160x160x100mm for PHE voltage detector
251002    Saddle clamp St/tZn f. Rd 7-10mm, clamping range 0.7-5mm    766605    Small electric bulb 3.5-3.8V 0.2A E10
251027    Saddle clamp Cu f. Rd 7-10mm, clamping range 0.7-5mm    766612    Mignon battery 1.5V L91 FR6 lithium
252000    DEHNfix rod holder St/tZn-P-grey for Rd 16mm with striking dowel D 8mm L60mm    766613    Mignon battery 1.5V alkali manganese
252007    DEHNfix rod holder Cu-P-brown for Rd 16mm with striking dowel D 8mm L60mm    766614    Artificial leather bag, L 1600mm D 170mm
252009    DEHNfix rod holder StSt-P-grey for Rd 16mm with striking dowel D 8mm L60mm    766703    Steel plate case 920x160x100mm for PHE voltage detector
253015    Roof cond. holder FB f. flat roofs,concr stone B45, single cond. holder Rd 8mm    766704    Canvas bag with shoulder strap 1200x300x150mm
253021    Adapter for tape conductor holder f. Fl 30mm f. roof cond. holder FB plastic    766706    PHG II voltage detector 6kV 50Hz with LED indication Category S
253023    Adapter f. roof conductor holder Rd 10     766710    PHG II voltage detector 10kV 50H with LED indication Category S
253025    Plastic clamp f. roof conductor holder FB for inclined roofs    766720    PHG II voltage detector 20kV 50Hz with LED indication Category S
253026    Adapter D 20mm f. HVI conductor for snapping on roof cond. holder type FB    766913    Onion-shaped electrode with tip with M8 threaded bolt
253027    Adapter D=23mm for HVI conductor for snapping on roof conductor holder type F    766915    Magnefix electrode 3-15kV with M8 threaded bolt
253030    Roof cond. holder KF f. roof sheetings thickness -3.5mm single con. holder 8 mm    766916    Test probe with M8 threaded bolt for PHE 3-24kV
253050    Roof cond. holder FB2 f. flat roofs with concr. stone B45,double cond. hol. Rd 8m    766923    Hook-shaped electrode with M8 thread for conductor - D 22mm
253051    Roof cond. holder KF2 f. roof sheetings -5mm thick, double roof cond. hol. 8 mm    766924    V-shaped electrode W 69mm with M8 threaded bolt
253060    Roof cond. holder FB2 f. fl. roofs,concr stone B45, cond. holder Rd 8mm fixed    766925    Pin-shaped electrode D 4mm with M8/M6 thread
260106    Rod holder with cleat St/tZn for Rd 16mm with squared tip L 100mm    766927    Y-shaped electrode W 22mm with M8 threaded bolt
260108    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm St/tZn with squared tip L 100mm    766940    Test probe, angled 25° with M8 threaded bolt for PHE 3-24kV
260109    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm StSt with squared tip L 100mm    766941    Test probe, angled 45° with M8 threaded bolt for PHE 3-24kV
260118    Cond. holder with clamping plate St/tZn for Rd 6-10mm with squared tip L 70mm    766950    Test probe, angled (90°) with M8 threaded bolt for PHE 3-36kV
260156    Rod holder with cleat St/tZn for Rd 16mm with squared tip L 150mm    766960    Test probe for PHE 3-24kV D 14 mm L 800mm with M8 threaded socket/bolt
260157    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm Cu with squared tip L 150mm    766960    Test probe for PHE 3-24kV D 14 mm L 800mm with M8 threaded socket/bolt
260158    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm St/tZn with squared tip L 150mm    766997    Plastic case empty for PHE voltage detector 930x215x140mm
260187    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm Cu with squared tip StSt L 100mm    766998    Plastic case empty for PHE III voltage detector 60/110kV 1270x215x140mm
260706    Rod holder with cleat St/tZn f. Rd 16mm with squared tip L 70mm    766999    Plastic case empty for PHE voltage detector 1270x215x140mm
260708    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm St/tZn with squared tip L 70mm    767101    DEHNcap/P-HR voltage indicator set
260787    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm Cu with squared tip L 70mm    767102    DEHNcap/P-LRM voltage indicator set
262070    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm St/tZn with round pin L 70mm    767106    Plastic case 265x225x50mm
262100    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm St/tZn with round pin L 100mm    767107    Storage case plastic 395x295x105mm for DEHNcap
262109    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl20mm StSt with round pin, L 100mm    767110    Test unit for DEHNcap/P
262110    Rod holder with cleat St/tZn f. Rd 16mm with loose round pin L 100mm    767111    DEHNcap/A-HR voltage indicator
262119    Rod holder with cleat StSt for Rd 16mm with loose round pin L 100mm    767112    DEHNcap/A-LRM voltage indicator
262130    Conductor holder for Rd 13mm St/tZn with round pin, L 100mm    767121    DEHNcap/IT-HR interface test unit
263118    Cond. holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm St/tZn with wooden thread L 100mm    767122    DEHNcap/IT-LRM interface test unit
273019    Conductor holder with claw f. Rd 6-10mm StSt with hole D 6.5mm    767132    DEHNcap/PC-LRM phase comparator
273730    Rod holder with flange ZDC for Rd 16mm St/tZn with frame dowel 140mm    767133    Test adapter for DEHNcap HR-LRM
273731    Rod holder with flange ZDC for Rd 16mm St/tZn with frame dowel 180mm    767135    Test adapter/test impedance DEHNcap XC-LRM
273740    Conductor holder with flange ZDC for Rd 7-10mm St/tZn with frame dowel 140mm    767136    Test adapter DEHNcap LR-LRM
273741    Conductor holder with flange ZDC for Rd 7-10mm St/tZn with frame dowel 180mm    767403    PHE voltage detector 3kV 50Hz Category S
273742    Conductor holder with flange ZDC for Rd 7-10mm St/tZn with frame dowel 230mm    767406    PHE voltage detector 6kV 50Hz Category S
274030    Conductor holder StSt with M8 thread f. Fl 30mm and Rd 6mm    767410    PHE voltage detector 3-10kV 50Hz Category S
274110    Conductor holder StSt with M8 thread f. Rd 8-10mm    767418    PHE voltage detector 10kV 50Hz Category S
274113    Conductor holder StSt with M8 thread f. Rd 13mm    767420    PHE voltage detector 6-20kV 50Hz Category S
274116    Conductor holder StSt with M8 thread f. Rd 16mm    767428    PHE voltage detector 20kV 50Hz Category S
274160    Conductor holder StSt f. Rd 8-10mm with wood screw and plastic dowel D 8mm    767430    PHE voltage detector 15-30kV 50Hz Category S
274230    Conductor holder StSt f. Fl 30mm/Rd 6mm with wood screw and plastic dowel D 8mm    767433    PHE voltage detector 3-30kV 50Hz Cat. S switchable: 3-10 6-20 15-30kV
274260    Rod holder StSt f. Rd 16mm with wood screw and plastic dowel D 8mm    767438    PHE voltage detector 30kV 50Hz Category S
275010    Conductor holder for Rd 7-10/Fl 20mm Al-ZDC with flat head screw M8x30mm    767500    Artificial leather bag 235x160x40mm
275016    Rod holder ZDC-St/Zn for Rd 16mm with screw M8x30mm    767531    Artificial leather bag 980x95mm for HSA voltage detector
275019    Rod holder with claw StSt for Rd 13-16mm for wall mounting hole 6.5mm    767542    HSA 194 non-contact voltage detector 110...420kV / 16.7Hz w. plug-in coupling
275030    Conductor holder with flange ZDC for Fl -30mm St/tZn with M8 female thread    767552    HSA205 non-contact voltage detector Un 1..420kV 50 Hz switchable
275110    Conductor holder with cleat ZDC f. Rd 7-10mm St/tZn with M8 female threa    767600    PHE/G I voltage detector type A for contact wires, positive pole earthed
275113    Conductor holder with flange ZDC for Rd 13mm St/tZn with M8 female thread    767601    PHE/G I voltage detector type B for switchgears, positive pole earthed
275116    Rod holder with flange ZDC with M8 female thread for Rd 16mm St    767602    PHE/G II voltage detector Un 0.48-7.5kV
275120    Conductor holder for HVI conductor D=20mm with M8 female thread, StSt/ZDC    767701    Steel plate case 950x210x100mm for PHE III voltage detector
275129    Twin screw cleat for CUI conductor D=20mm with fixing hole 6.5x8.0mm, StSt    767703    PHE III voltage detector 3kV 50Hz Category S
275160    Conductor holder with flange ZDC for Rd 7-10mm St/tZn w. mounting materia    767706    PHE III voltage detector 6kV
275220    Cond. holder PA, grey for HVI/CUI cond. D=20mm, flange D=30mm, M8 female thread    767710    PHE III voltage detector 10kV
275225    Conductor holder PA, grey for HVI cond. D=23mm, flange D=30mm, M8 female thread    767711    PHE III voltage detector 3...10kV
275229    Conductor holder for HVI conductor D=20mm with fixing hole 16x6.5mm, StSt    767712    9V E block battery lithium
275230    Conductor holder with flange ZDC for Fl -30mm St/tZn with screw and dowel    767713    9V E block battery alkali manganese
275239    Conductor holder for HVI conductor D 23mm with slot 16x6.5mm  StSt    767720    PHE III voltage detector 20kV
275260    Rod holder with cover plate for Rd 16mm St-ZDC with mounting materia    767721    PHE III voltage detector 6...20kV
275320    Conductor holder for HVI cond., ZDC/StSt D=20mm with clamping range D=50-300mm    767722    PHE III indicator 20kV 50Hz Category S/L with gear coupling
275330    Conductor holder for HVI cond., P/StSt D=20mm with clamping range D=50-300mm    767723    PHE III indicator 60-110kV 50Hz Category S/L
275333    Conductor holder for HVI cond., P/StSt D=23mm with clamping range D=50-300mm    767730    PHE III voltage detector 30kV
275420    Conductor holder for HVI cond., D=20mm distance=50mm, fixing plate f. expl. zon    767731    PHE III voltage detector 10...30kV
275430    Conductor holder for HVI cond., D=20mm distance=200mm, fixing plate f. exp. zon    767732    PHE III indicator 60-132kV 50Hz Category S/L
275499    Connecting brace for installation of cond. holders HVI/Ex, StSt, dist.: 500mm    767733    PHE III voltage detector 3-30kV/50Hz nominal voltage: 3-10 10-30kV
275520    Clip, D 18-22mm St/tZn -SET- with cable duct element for C rails    767735    PHE III indicator 60-132kV 50Hz Category S/L with gear coupling
275521    C rail, L=2000mm, St/tZn wall thickness 1.5mm, slot width 16mm    767740    PHE III test set 6...20kV
275711    Leitungshalter a. PA f. Rd 6-11mm m. Be- festigungsteil NIRO f. Spannb. 14x0,3mm    767750    PHE III test set 10...30kV
275716    Stangenhalter a. PA f. Rd 16mm m. Be- festigungsteil NIRO f. Spannb. 14x0,3mm    767760    Test prod S60 for PHE III
275730    Flachbandhalter a. PA f. Fl 30mm m. Be- festigungsteil NIRO f. Spannb. 14x0,3mm    767761    Test prod S61 for PHE III
275820    Cond. holder for HVI conductor, grey D=20mm with frame dowel 7x180mm    767762    Test prod S62 for PHE III
275823    Cond. holder for HVI conductor, grey D=23mm with frame dowel 7x180mm    767763    Test prod S63 for PHE III
276006    Cover plate P/grey, H=5mm, D=37mm for conductor and rod holders    767764    Test prod S64 for PHE III
276007    Cover plate P/brown, H=5mm, D=37mm for conductor and rod holders    767766    Test prod for PHE III Category L
276009    Cover plate, St/St, H=5m, D=37mm for conductor and rod holders    767767    Test prod for PHE III Category S for mipak switchgear installations
276016    Cover plate P-grey  H 10mm  D 35mm f. conductor and rod holders    767768    Test prod for PHE III for 8CK systems
276056    Sleeve f. use as edge for dripping water P/grey slotted D=37mm H=4.7mm hole=7.5mm    767771    Test prod for PHE III, category S
276057    Sleeve f. use as edge for dripping water P/brown slotted D=37mm H=4.7mm hole=7.5m    767772    Test prod for PHE III, Category L
277130    Conductor holder P/grey, Rd 6-13/Fl 30mm     767776    Protective rubber for PHE test device
277230    Support for tape conductor with pressure plate St/tZn for Rd 6-10/Fl...11mm    767777    Protective rubber for PHV test device and PHG II
277237    Support for tape conductor with pressure plate Cu for Rd 6-10/Fl...11mm    767778    Sealing ring for PHV basic device
277239    Support for tape conductor with pressure plate StSt for Rd 6-10/Fl...11mm    767779    Sealing ring for PHE III test prod
277240    Support for tape conductor with pressure plate St/tZn slot width 12mm    767921    PHE III test head 20kV Category S with standby function and gear coupling
284030    Tape conductor holder for Fl 30mm St/tZn with slot 6.5x16mm    767922    PHE III test head 20kV Category L with standby function and gear coupling
284040    Tape conductor holder for Fl 40mm St/tZn with slot 6.5x16mm    767931    PHE III test head 30kV Category S with standby function and gear coupling
286030    Tape conductor holder for Fl 30mm St/tZn with wood screw 5x35mm    767932    PHE III test head 30kV Category L with standby function and gear coupling
286139    Tape conductor holder for Fl 30mm StSt with wood screw 5x35mm    767996    Artificial leather bag 1010x300mm
286819    Conductor holder with cleat St/St, for Rd 7-10/Fl 30mm with wood screw and dowe    767997    Plastic case empty for PHE III voltage detector 930x215x140mm
290001    Distance holder, St/tZn, angled unit L=300mm f. Rd 8-10mm, Fl -40mm    767999    Plastic case empty for PHE III voltage detector 1270x215x140mm
290002    Distance holder, St/tZn, straight unit L=280mm for Rd 8-10mm, Fl -40mm    769300    Telescopic earthing rod type B L=1670-3000mm with cone coupling SQL
297015    Fixing plate D 100mm St/tZn with M8 threaded bolt w. 4 fixing holes    769500    Telescopic earthing rod type B L=2670-5000mm with cone coupling SQL
297025    Fixing plate D 100mm plastic with M8 threaded bolt w. 4 fixing holes    769503    Earthing rod - top section type A L=1500mm with cone coupling SQL
297110    Conductor holder DEHNsnap H 36mm grey with adehesive pad D 67mm f. Rd 8mm    769504    Earthing rod - intermediate section type B with coupling element L=1500mm
297117    Conductor holder DEHNsnap H 36mm brown with adhesive pad D 67mm f. Rd 8mm    769505    Earthing rod - base section type C with coupling element L=1500mm
297120    DEHNgrip conductor holder H 32mm StSt with adhesive pad D 67mm f. Rd 8mm    770001    YM2 earthing cable 70mm²
297199    Special cleaning liquid f. roof cond. holder with self-adhesive pad 1000ml    770025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 70mm²
300000    KS screw M10 St/tZn f. Rd 7-10mm     770031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 70mm²
300002    KS connector M12 St/tZn f. Rd 8-12.5mm single-part unit    770044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 70mm²
300007    KS screw M10 Cu f. Rd 6-10mm     770045    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
300017    KS connector M12 Cu-RCB f. Rd 8-12.5mm single-part unit    770046    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 70mm²
301000    KS connector St/tZn-ZDC f. Rd 7-10mm single-part unit    770049    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
301007    KS connector Cu-RCB f. Rd 6-10mm single-part unit    770050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 70mm²
301009    KS connector StSt  f. Rd 7-10mm single-part unit    770053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 70mm²
301010    KS connector St/tZn-ZDC f. Rd 7-10mm single-part unit with spring washer    770060    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
301017    KS connector Cu-RCB f. Rd 6-10mm single- part unit with spring washer    770061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
301019    KS connector StSt f. Rd 6-10mm single- part unit with spring washer    770064    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
301229    Connecting plate for HVI conductor head piece with 2 KS connectors StSt    770065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
301239    Connecting plate for HVI conductor head piece 1x D=6-10mm 1x D=16mm, StSt    770068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
301329    Connecting plate for head piece of HVI conductor with 3 KS connectors StSt    770069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
302000    KS connector St/tZn-ZDC for Rd 7-10mm two-part unit, distance: 22mm    770103    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
302007    KS connector Cu-RCB for Rd 6-10mm two-part unit, distance: 22mm    770104    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
302010    KS connector St/tZn-ZDC for Rd 7-10mm two-part unit, distance: 30mm    770105    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
305000    Parallel connector St/tZn for different diameters Rd 4-10mm    770106    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
305007    Parallel connector Cu for different diameters Rd 4-10mm    770107    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
306020    Parallel connector St/tZn for Rd 7-10mm    770110    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
306100    Parallel connector Cu for different diameters Rd 5-12.5mm / 16-95mm²    770112    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
306101    Parallel connector Cu for different diameters Rd 5-16mm / 16-150mm²    770113    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
307000    Parallel connector St/tZn for Rd 7-10mm     770114    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 70mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
307007    Parallel connector Cu f. Rd 7-10mm     770123    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
308001    Wedge connector, St/tZn for concrete foundation for Rd 10mm / Fl -40x4mm    770125    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
308025    Connecting clamp, St/tZn for building reinforcements f. Rd 6-10/6-10mm/Fl 30mm    770127    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
308026    Connecting clamp, St/tZn for building reinforcements for Rd 6-10mm/Fl 30mm    770134    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
308030    Connecting clamp, St/bare for building reinforcements for Rd 6-22mm/Fl 40mm    770135    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
308040    MAXI MV terminal St/bare for Rd 8-16 / 15-25mm with screw M12x65mm    770138    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
308041    MAXI MV terminal St/tZn  f. Rd 8-16 / 15-25mm with screw M12x65mm    770139    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
308045    Armierungsklemme St/blank f. D 16-48mm f. Rd 10mm u. Fl 30-40mm    770317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308046    Armierungsklemme St/blank f. D 16-48mm f. Rd 10mm/Fl 30-40mm m. 2 Klemmb. R10mm    770325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
308050    Expansion strap, Al, 45x5mm, L=235mm with screws and nuts    770331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
308060    SVP terminal St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm - Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm-Fl 30/30mm w/o int. plat    770350    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308070    SVP terminal St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm - Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm-Fl 30/30mm, interm. plat    770351    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308120    Connecting clamp, St/tZn f. Fl 30/Rd 10mm f. cross and parallel connections    770353    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
308129    Connecting clamp, StSt f. Fl 30/Rd 8-10mm f. cross and parallel connections    770354    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
308129    Connecting clamp, StSt f. Fl 30/Rd 8-10mm f. cross and parallel connections    770356    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308150    Expansion strap, 4x30x1mm, L=700mm, StSt for bridging expansion joints    770357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308150    Expansion strap, 4x30x1mm, L=700mm, StSt for bridging expansion joints    770358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308220    SV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 7-10/7-10mm - Rd 7-10/Fl 30mm-Fl 30/30mm    770359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308229    SV terminal StSt f. Rd 7-10/7-10mm - Rd 7-10/Fl 30mm-Fl 30/30mm    770360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308230    SV terminal St/tZn for Fl 30/Fl 30mm     770362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308239    SV terminal StSt f. Fl 30/Fl 30 mm     770363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
308320    SV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 7-10/7-10mm - Rd 7-10/Fl 40mm-Fl 40/40mm    770365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308329    SV terminal StSt f. Rd 7-10/7-10mm - Rd 7-10/Fl 40mm-Fl 40/40mm    770366    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308330    SV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 7-10/16mm - Rd 16/Fl 40mm    770367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308339    SV terminal StSt f. Rd 7-10/16mm - Rd 16/Fl 40mm    770368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308403    Shield terminal Rd 5-10mm for anchor bar StSt    770369    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308404    Shield terminal Rd 8-14mm for anchor bar StSt    770370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308405    Shield terminal Rd 13-18mm for anchor bar StSt    770372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308406    Shield terminal Rd 17-21mm for anchor bar StSt    770373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
308407    Shield terminal Rd 19-26mm for anchor bar StSt    770375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
308408    Shield terminal Rd 25-33mm for anchor bar StSt    770376    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
308411    Terminal 16mm² for anchor bar     770377    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
308421    Anchor bar for shield terminals L 1000mm StSt    770378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
308425    Busbar support for insulated fixing of anchor bars    770379    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
309008    ES connector ZDC f. Rd 8mm with truss head screw    770380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
309087    ES connector RCB f. Rd 8mm with truss head screw M10x30mm    770382    E+K-Vorrichtung 3-polig  Spindel 6-kant D 20mm 70/35mm² drehbar
310008    EST connector ZDC for Rd 8mm with truss head screw M10x30mm    770383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
314300    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm Fl 30/30mm w/o interm. plat    770385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
314307    Cross unit Cu f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm Rd 8- 10/Fl 30mm Fl 30/30mm w/o interm. plate    770386    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
314310    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm Fl 30/30mm, interm. plat    770387    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
315115    Universal connector MCI/tZn f. Rd 8-10mm for cross, T and parallel connections    770388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
316163    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 16/8-10mm - Rd 16/Fl 30mm, intermediate plate    770389    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
316167    Cross unit Cu f. Rd 16/8-10mm -  Rd 16/ Fl 30mm  with intermediate plate    770390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
318033    Cross unit St/tZn f. Fl 30/30mm without intermediate plate    770392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
318201    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm Fl 30/30mm without intermediate plate    770393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
318207    Cross unit Cu f. Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm Fl 30/30mm without intermediate plate    770604    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable with PK2 base section
318209    Cross unit StSt f. Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm Fl 30/30mm without intermediate plate    770802    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
318233    Cross unit StSt f. Fl 30/30mm without intermediate plate    770803    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
318251    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm - Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm Fl 30/30mm w/o interm. plat    770804    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
318252    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/16mm - Rd 16/Fl 30mm without intermediate plate    770806    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
319201    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm - Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm-Fl 30/30mm, intermed. plate    770807    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
319202    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/16mm - Rd 16/Fl 30mm, intermediate plate    770811    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
319207    Cross unit Cu f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm - Rd 8- 10/Fl 30mm-Fl 30/30mm, intermediate plat    770812    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
319209    Cross unit StSt f. Rd 8-10/8-10mm - Rd 8 -10/Fl 30mm-Fl 30/30mm, intermed. plate    770813    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
319219    Cross unit StSt f. Rd 8-10/16mm - Rd 16/ Fl 30mm, intermediate plate    770815    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
319229    Cross unit StSt f. Rd 7-10/7-10mm - Rd 7-10/Fl 40mm-Fl 40/40mm, intermed. plate    770816    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
320044    Cross unit St/tZn f. Fl 30-40/30-40mm without intermediate plate    770821    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
321045    Cross unit St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/Fl 30-40mm Fl 30-40/30-40mm, intermediate plate    770822    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
321047    Cross unit Cu f. Rd 8-10/Fl 30-40mm Fl 30-40/30-40mm, intermediate plate    770823    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
336020    Connector, type B, M12 thread     770825    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
336025    Connector, type B, M16 thread     770826    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
338000    Gutter clamp St/tZn f. bead 13-25mm with twin screw cleat for Rd 7-10mm    770831    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
338001    Gutter clamp Al f. bead 13-25mm with twin screw cleat for Rd 7-10mm    770832    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
338007    Gutter clamp Cu f. bead 13-25mm with twin screw cleat for Rd 7-10mm    770833    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
338009    Gutter clamp StSt f. bead 13-25mm with twin screw cleat for Rd 7-10mm    770835    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
339010    Gutter clamp St/tZn f. bead 13-25mm width 60mm with cleat for Rd 7-10mm    770836    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 70/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
339050    Gutter clamp St/tZn f. bead 16-22mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    772310    Ball head cap D=20mm, rigid hexagon shaft
339057    Gutter clamp Cu f. bead 16-22mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    772311    Ball head cap D=20mm, rigid T pin shaft
339059    Gutter clamp StSt f. bead 16-22mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    772312    Ball head cap K1, 25-120mm², D=20mm
339060    Gutter clamp St/tZn f. bead 16-22mm with clamping frame f. Rd 6-10mm    772313    Ball head cap K2, 25-120mm², D=20mm
339067    Gutter clamp Cu f. beat 16-22mm with clamping frame for Rd 6-10mm    772314    Ball head cap, 25-120mm², D=20mm
339069    Gutter clamp StSt f. bead 16-22mm with clamping frame for Rd 6-10mm    772320    Ball head cap D=25mm, rigid hexagon shaft
339100    Gutter clamp St/tZn f. bead 16-22mm with clamping frame for Rd 8-10mm    772321    Ball head cap D=25mm, rigid T pin shaft
339101    Gutter clamp Al for bead 16-22mm with clamping frame for Rd 8-10mm    772322    Ball head cap K1, 25-150mm², D=25mm
339107    Gutter clamp Cu for bead 16-22mm with clamping frame for Rd 8-10mm    772323    Ball head cap K4, 25-150mm², D=25mm
339109    Gutter clamp StSt for bead 16-22mm with clamping frame for Rd 8-10mm    772324    Ball head cap, 25-150mm², D=25mm
339110    Gutter clamp St/tZn for bead 16-22mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    772330    Ball head cap D=20mm, adjustable hexagon shaft
339111    Gutter clamp Al for bead 16-22mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    772331    Ball head cap D=20mm, adjustable T pin shaft
339117    Gutter clamp Cu for bead 16-22mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    772340    Ball head cap D=25mm, adjustable hexagon shaft
339119    Gutter clamp StSt for bead 16-22mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    772341    Ball head cap D=25mm, adjustable T pin shaft
339157    Bimetal gutter clamp, Cu-St/tZn with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    773034    Universal clamp, fixed ball point 20/25, Fl 20, T 15mm, hexagon shaft
339167    Bimetal gutter clamp, Cu-St/tZn with double cleat for Rd 6-10mm    773130    Universal clamp, fixed ball point 30, Fl 30, T 18mm, hexagon shaft
343000    Gutter board clamp St/tZn, clamping range 3-13mm with cleat for Rd 7-10mm    773234    Universal clamp, fixed ball point 20/25, Fl 20, T 15mm, T pin shaft
343007    Gutter board clamp Cu, clamping range 3-13mm with cleat for Rd 7-10mm    773236    Universal clamp, fixed ball point 20/25, Fl 20, T 15mm, T pin shaft (long)
345008    Clamp-type socket St/tZn with borehole D 11mm for Rd 8mm    773330    Universal clamp, fixed ball point 30, Fl 30, T 18mm, T pin shaft
345010    Clamp-type socket St/tZn with borehole D 11mm for Rd 10mm    773331    Universal clamp, fixed ball point 30, Fl 30, T 18mm, T pin shaft (long)
345087    Clamp-type socket Cu with borehole D 11mm for Rd 8mm    774034    Universal earthing clamp K 20/25 Fl 20 T 15mm with wing screw
347201    Clamp-type socket GCI/tZn with borehole D 12mm for Rd 7-10mm    774130    Universal earthing clamp K 30 Fl 20 T 18mm with wing screw
363000    Z-shaped sealing unit St/tZn with 3 boreholes D 11mm    774234    Universal earthing clamp K 20/25 Fl 20 T 15mm with handle
363001    Z-shaped sealing unit St/tZn with 1 borehole D 13mm    774330    Universal earthing clamp K 30 Fl 30 T 18mm with handle
363010    Z-shaped sealing unit St/tZn with 3 boreholes D 11mm with 1 KS connector    774434    Universal earthing clamp K 20/25 Fl 20 T 15mm with tommy bar
365000    Saddle clamp ZDC clamping range 0.7-6mm with double cleat for Rd 7-10mm    774530    Universal earthing clamp K 30 Fl 30 T 18mm with tommy bar
365007    Saddle clamp RCB clamping range 0.7-6mm with double cleat for Rd 7-10mm    775621    Earth connection unit with M12 wing nut
365010    Saddle clamp St/tZn clamping range 0.7-8mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    775626    Earth connection unit with M12 wing screw
365017    Saddle clamp Cu clamping range 0.7-8mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    775631    Earth connection unit with M16 wing nut
365019    Saddle clamp StSt clamping range 0.7-8mm with double cleat for Rd 8-10mm    775636    Earth connection unit with M16 wing screw
365020    Saddle clamp St/tZn clamping range 0.7-10mm with clamping frame f. Rd 6-10m    776412    Single-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable
365027    Saddle clamp Cu clamping range 0.7-10mm with clamping frame for Rd 6-10mm    776415    Single-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable
365030    Saddle clamp St/tZn clamping range 0.7-8mm with clamping frame for Rd 6-10m    776425    Single-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable
365031    Saddle clamp Al clamping range 0.7-8mm with clamping frame for Rd 6-10mm    776435    Single-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable
365037    Saddle clamp Cu clamping range 0.7-8mm with clamping frame for Rd 6-10mm    776450    Single-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable
365039    Saddle clamp StSt clamping range 0.7-8mm with clamping frame for Rd 6-10mm    776470    Single-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable
365040    Saddle clamp St/tZn clamping range 0.7-10mm with cleat for Rd 7-10mm    776495    Single-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable
365047    Saddle clamp Cu clamping range 0.7-10mm with cleat for Rd 7-10mm    784032    Phase screw clamp for D=12-30mm
365050    Saddle clamp St/tZn clamping range 0.7-8mm, angled, with cleat for Rd 6-10m    784085    Phase screw clamp for D=10-85mm
365051    Saddle clamp Al clamping range 0.7-8mm, angled, with cleat for Rd 6-10mm    784201    Phase screw clamp size I, T pin shaft
365057    Saddle clamp Cu clamping range 0.7-8mm, angled, with cleat for Rd 6-10mm    784301    Phase screw clamp size II, T pin shaft
365059    Saddle clamp StSt clamping range 0.7-8mm angled, with cleat for Rd 6-10mm    784401    Phase screw clamp with coupling aid size I
365117    Bimetal saddle clamp St/tZn-Cu clamping range 0.7-8mm for Rd 6-10mm    784461    Single-pole coupling aid, gear coupling for phase clamp with spring load
365127    Bimetal saddle clamp Cu-St/tZn clamping range 0.7-8mm for Rd 6-10mm    784463    3-pole coupling aid T pin shaft for phas clamp with spring load
365220    Saddle clamp St/tZn clamping range 0.7-10mm f. Rd 8-10mm    784480    Phase screw clamp with spring tension D=4-30mm
365221    Saddle clamp Al clamping range 0.7-10mm for Rd 8-10mm    784490    Phase clamp with spring load clamping range D 4-25mm
365227    Saddle clamp Cu clamping range 0.7-10mm for Rd 8-10mm    784501    Phase screw clamp with coupling aid
365229    Saddle clamp StSt clamping range 0.7-10mm for Rd 8-10mm    785100    MS dry cleaning set for suction for medium-voltage systems -36kV
370014    Terminal MCI/tZn clamping range Fl 1-12mm with KS screw for Rd 7-10mm    785109    Locking rod for live working L=2200mm
370018    Terminal MCI/tZn clamping range Fl 8-18mm with KS screw for Rd 7-10mm    785110    Cover 1.5x2m, yellow
371007    Terminal RCB clamping range Fl 0.4-12mm for Rd 7-10mm    785111    Canvas bag 550x270x300mm
371008    Terminal MCI/tZn clamping range Fl 0.4-12mm f. Rd 7-10mm longitudinal    785112    MS V1 dry cleaning set for suction for medium-voltage systems -36kV
371009    Terminal MCI/tZn clamping range Fl 0.4-12mm for Rd 7-10mm    785119    Intake tube with handle D=40/L=1180mm insulating part 650mm
372018    Terminal St/tZn clamping range Fl 5-18mm for Rd 6-10mm    785120    Intake tube with handle D=40/L=1180mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372019    Terminal StSt clamping range Fl 5-18mm for Rd 6-10mm    785121    Intake tube extension D=40/L=200mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372035    Terminal St/tZn clamping range Fl 18-35mm for Rd 6-10mm    785122    Intake tube extension D=40/L=400mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372039    Terminal StSt clamping range Fl 18-35mm for Rd 6-10mm    785123    Intake tube extension D=40/L=800mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372110    Terminal St/tZn f. longitudinal connecti for profiles 5-18mm with clamping frame    785130    Angled intake tube, adjustable, D=40mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372119    Terminal StSt f. longitudinal connection for profiles 5-18mm with clamping frame    785131    Angled intake tube 90°, D=40/L=120mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372120    Terminal St/tZn f. longitudinal connecti for profiles 5-18mm with KS connector    785132    Angled intake tube 135°, D=40/L=100mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372129    Terminal StSt f. longitudinal connection for profiles 5-18mm with KS connector    785140    Half-round brush for suction D=120mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372140    Terminal St/tZn f. longitudinal connecti for profiles 18-35mm with clamping frame    785150    Half-round brush for suction D=190mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372149    Terminal StSt f. longitudinal connection for profiles 18-35mm with clamping frame    785151    Arc brush for suction D=40/L=390mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372150    Terminal St/tZn f. longitudinal connecti for profiles 18-35mm with KS connector    785160    Rectangular brush for suction 105x90x50 for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372159    Terminal StSt f. longitudinal connection for profiles 18-35mm with KS connector    785170    Tubular brush for suction D=120/L=250mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372210    Terminal for cross connection St/tZn f. profiles 5-18mm with clamping frame    785171    Tubular brush for suction D=80mm L=240mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
372219    Terminal for cross connection StSt for profiles 5-18mm with clamping frame    785172    Stabbürste z. Absaugen kon. D 80mm f. Tr ockenreinigungsset MS -36kV
372220    Terminal for cross connection St/tZn f. profiles 5-18mm with KS connector    785180    Digital-Hygro-/Thermometer zur Überwachu ng der Umgebungswerte
372229    Terminal for cross connection StSt for profiles 5-18mm with KS connector    785181    Digital-Hygro-/Thermometer  5...95% r.F. f. Raumklima-Messungen      0...+50°C
372240    Terminal for cross connection St/tZn for profiles 18-35mm with clamping frame    785190    Isolierspiegel  D 135 mm m. Zahn- kupplung f. Reinigungsset MS
372249    Terminal for cross connection StSt for profiles 18-35mm with clamping frame    785200    Saugschlauchadapter gewink. D 40 mm f. T rockenreinigungsset NS/MS
372250    Terminal for cross connection St/tZn for profiles 18-35mm with KS connector    785210    Reinigungsbürste D 50/L 1430 mm f. Trock enreinigungsset MS
372259    Terminal for cross connection StSt for profiles 18-35mm with KS connector    785212    Saugrohradapter D 20/40mm f. Trockenrein igungsset MS -36kV
374011    Expansion unit made of round-bar aluminium 8mm    785213    Reduzierstück f.Saugschlauchadapter NS/M S f.Schlauchdurchmesser 32 mm
374020    Expansion unit made of flat aluminium 30x2mm    785214    Reduzierstück f.Saugschlauchadapter NS/M S f.Schlauchdurchmesser 34 mm
377005    Z-shaped terminal bracket Al connecting hole D 11mm for riveting or screwing    785215    Reduzierstück f.Saugschlauchadapter NS/M S f.Schlauchdurchmesser 35 mm
377006    Bridging bracket L=170mm Al with central hole    785216    Reduzierstück f.Saugschlauchadapter NS/M S f.Schlauchdurchmesser 38 mm
377007    Bridging braid Cu, 50mm² L=180mm     785217    Reduzierstück f.Saugschlauchadapter NS/M S f.Schlauchdurchmesser 45 mm
377009    Z-shaped term. bracket StSt connecting hole D 11 mm for riveting or screwing    785218    Reduzierstück f.Saugschlauchadapter NS/M S f.Schlauchdurchmesser 51 mm
377015    Bridging braid Al, 50mm² L=180mm     785219    Reduzierstück f.Saugschlauchadapter NS/M S f.Schlauchdurchmesser 58 mm
377016    Bridging bracket L=170mm, Al without central hole    785220    Flachdüse B 60/L 260 mm f. Trockenreinig ungsset MS -36kV
377017    Z-shaped terminal bracket Cu connecting hole D 11mm for riveting or screwing    785221    Flachdüse B 110/L 260 mm f. Trockenreini gungsset MS -36kV
377026    Bridging bracket L=220mm, Al     785223    Flachdüse B 210/L 255 mm f. Trockenreini gungsset MS -36kV
377027    Bridging bracket L=170mm, Cu with central hole 11mm    785224    Ersatzpinsel f.Reinigungsdüsen L 40mm f.  Trockenreinigungsset MS -36kV
377045    Bridging braid Al 50mm² L=180mm with fixing holes 1x10.5 2x6.5mm    785229    Plastic case, empty 850x300x200mm f. MS damp cleaning set w. gear coupling
377100    Z-shaped terminal bracket Al with clamping frame for Rd 6-10mm St/tZn    785259    Operating head adapter w. gear coupling for MS dry/damp cleaning set
377107    Bridging braid Cu 50mm² L=300mm with fixing holes 4x5.2 1x10.5mm    785260    MS refilling dev. for refilling HT mass into paper-insul. mass-impregnat. cables
377115    Bridging braid Al 50mm² L=300mm with fixing holes 1x10.5 4x5.2mm    785261    Insulated refilling lance for MS cable ends -36kV
377210    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² L=200mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785261    Insulated refilling lance for MS cable ends -36kV
377220    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² hf L=200mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785264    Oil reservoir for MS refilling device
377310    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² L=300mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785265    Insulated screw driver set for MS cable ends
377320    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² hf L=300mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785267    Operating head, straight, for screw driver for MS cable ends
377410    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² L=400mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785268    Operating head, angled (30°), for screw driver for MS cable ends
377420    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² hf L=400mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785269    Operating head, angled (70°), for screw driver for MS cable ends
377510    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² L=500mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785271    Bit 13mm for use with operating heads f. screw driver for MS cable ends
377520    Bridging cable Cu 16mm² hf L=500mm with 2 cable sheaths, W 10.5 and 2x6.5mm    785272    Bit 8mm for use with operating heads f. screw driver for MS cable ends
380020    Rod clamp St/tZn for Rd 8-10/Rd 16mm     785273    Extension for operating rod for screw driver for MS cable ends L=350mm
380027    Rod clamp Cu for Rd 8-10/Rd 16mm     785274    Cleaning sponge 150x40x40mm for MS damp cleaning set -36kV
380029    Rod clamp StSt for Rd 8-10/Rd 16mm     785275    Cleaning sponge 150x70x40mm for MS damp cleaning set -36kV
385202    Connecting sleeve ZDC f. Rd 7-10mm with 4 screws M6x12mm    785279    "Cleaning sponge 150x100x40mm w. gearing     for MS damp cleaning set -36kV"
385203    Connecting sleeve ZDC f. Rd 8mm with 4 screws M6x10mm    785280    "Cleaning sponge 150x100x40mm w. gearing     Triangular f. MS damp cleaning set -36kV"
385207    Connecting sleeve Cu f. Rd 8mm with 4 screws M6x8mm    785281    Sealing screw made by F&G for cable sealing ends -36kV
385213    Connecting sleeve Al f. Rd 8mm with 4 screws M6x8mm    785282    Sealing screw made by Köttgen for cable sealing ends -36kV
385216    Connecting sleeve Al f. Rd 16/16mm with 4 screws M6x12mm    785283    Sealing screw made by Raychem for cable sealing ends -36kV
390050    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw    785284    Sealing screw made by GOW for cable sealing ends -36kV
390051    MV terminal Al f. Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw    785295    Cleaning liquid container for MS refilling device
390057    MV terminal Cu f. Rd 8mm with hexagon screw    785298    Plastic case with supporting device for MS screw driver set
390059    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw    785299    GRP case, empty for container for MS refilling device
390060    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 8-10mm with truss head screw and nut    785301    GRP case, empty with supporting device for MS dry cleaning set
390061    MV terminal Al f. Rd 8-10mm with truss head screw and nut    785310    Industrial vacuum cleaner 1400W for dry cleaning set
390067    MV terminal Cu f. Rd 8mm with truss head screw and nut    785315    Insulat. rod w. handle and gear coupling pluggable for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
390110    Clamping frame Rd 6-10mm St/tZn with borehole D 9mm    785316    Insulating rod extension, L=220mm for MS dry cleaning set with gear coupling
390119    "Clamping frame Rd 6-10mm StSt     with borehole D 9mm"    785317    Insulating rod extension, L=320mm for MS dry cleaning set with gear coupling
390150    Clamping frame Rd 6-10mm St/tZn with truss head screw and M10 nut    785318    Insulating rod extension, L=420mm for MS dry cleaning set with gear coupling
390157    Clamping frame Rd 6-10mm Cu with truss head screw and M10 nut StSt    785319    Insulating rod extension, L=820mm for MS dry cleaning set with gear coupling
390159    "Clamping frame Rd 6-10mm StSt     with truss head screw and M10 nut"    785320    Scraper W=30mm with gear coupling for MS damp cleaning set -36kV
390250    MMV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 6-8mm with truss head screw and nut    785321    Round brush D=15mm with gear coupling for MS damp cleaning set -36kV
390257    MMV terminal Cu f. Rd 6-8mm with truss head screw and nut    785322    Operating head with gear coupling for clean. sponge f. MS damp clean.set -36kV
390259    MMV terminal StSt f. Rd 6-8mm with truss head screw and nut    785323    Dual operating head for clean. sponge w. gear coupling f. MS damp clean.set -36kV
390267    MMV terminal Cu-St/tZn  f. Rd 6-8mm with truss head screw and nut    785324    Rigid operating head f. clean. sponge w. gear coupling f. MS damp clean.set -36kV
390479    Z-shaped sealing unit with 2 square holes 11mm and 1 round hole D 13mm StSt    785425    Storage bag for personal protective equipment -1000V
390489    Z-shaped sealing unit with 3 square holes 11mm, StSt    785426    Protective helmet, yellow, size: 52-63 for live working -1000V
390550    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785427    Protect. shield f. protective helmet f. live working -1000V size: 52-63
390551    MV terminal Al f. Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785428    Chin strap for protective helmet for live working -1000V
390557    MV terminal Cu f. Rd 8mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785429    Protective helmet, white, size: 52-63 live working -1000V
390559    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785436    Protective helmet, orange, size: 52-63 for live working -1000V
390657    MV terminal Cu-Al f. Rd 8mm / Rd 8-10mm with hexagon screw    785437    Protective helmet, blue, size: 52-63 for live working -1000V
391050    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 10mm with hexagon screw    785438    Protective helmet, red, size: 52-64 for live working -1000V
391059    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 10mm with hexagon screw    785455    Insulated rubber mat 3mmx1mx1m for insulating standing surfaces -1000V
391060    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 10mm with truss head screw    785456    Insulated rubber mat 3mmx1mx...m for insulating standing surfaces -1000V
391069    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 10mm with truss head screw    785457    Insulated rubber mat 3mmx1mx10m for insulating standing surfaces -1000V
391550    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 10mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785458    Insulat. mat f. laying out in electrical switch./test rooms W 1m/L -10m T 4.5mm
391559    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 10mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785459    Insulat. mat f. laying out in electrical switching and test rooms 1x10mx4.5mm
392050    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/16mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785465    Covering cloth W=1350mm L=50m f. low- voltage switchgear installations -1000V
392059    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 8/16mm with hexagon screw and spring washer    785466    Covering cloth W=1350mm L=..-50m f. low- voltage switchgear installations -1000V
392060    MV terminal St/tZn f. Rd 8-10/16mm with truss head screw    785467    Covering cloth W=1200mm L=25m f. low- voltage switchgear installations -1000V
392069    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 8-10/16mm with truss head screw    785468    Covering cloth W=1200mm L=..-25m f. low- voltage switchgear installations -1000V
393069    MV terminal StSt f. Rd 16/16 mm with truss head screw for DEHNiso    785471    Covering cloth W=1400mm L=10m for LV switchgear installations -1000V neoprene
405020    EB terminal for HVI cond., St/tZn StSt D=20mm, cross-sectional area 4-95 mm²    785472    Covering cloth W=1400mm L=..-10m for LV switchgear installations -1000V neoprene
407012    Earthing pipe clamp 1/2" MCI/tZn     785490    Storage bag for insulated gloves -1000V
407034    Earthing pipe clamp 3/4" MCI/tZn     785491    Insulated gloves class 00 category M f. live working -500V, size: 9
407100    Earthing pipe clamp 1" MCI/tZn     785492    Insulated gloves class 00 category M f. live working -500V, size: 10
407112    Earthing pipe clamp 1 1/2" MCI/tZn     785493    Insulated gloves class 0 category M f. live working -1000V, size: 9
407114    Earthing pipe clamp 1 1/4" MCI/tZn     785494    Insulated gloves class 0 category M f. live working -1000V, size: 10
407200    Earthing pipe clamp 2" MCI/tZn     785495    Insulated gloves class 00 category RC f. live working -500V, size: 9
408012    Earthing pipe clamp 1/2" ZDC/galZn     785496    Insulated gloves class 00 category RC f. live working -500V, size: 10
408014    Earthing pipe clamp 1/4" ZG/galZn     785497    Pneumatic glove tester for insulated gloves -1000V
408034    Erdungsrohrschelle 3/4" ZG/galZn     785502    NS Dry cleaning set for low-voltage systems -1000V
408038    Erdungsrohrschelle 3/8" ZG/galZn     785506    Plastic case, empty w. supporting device for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
408100    Erdungsrohrschelle 1" ZG/galZn     785515    Intake tube adap. f brushes/clean. heads D=40/25mmm for NS dry clean. set -1000V
408112    Earthing pipe clamp 1/2" ZDC/galZn     785520    Intake tube with handle D=40/L=380mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
408114    Erdungsrohrschelle 1 1/4" ZG/galZn     785521    Intake tube extension D=40/L=200mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
409007    Earthing pipe clamp D 8-10mm, Cu     785522    Intake tube extension D=40/L=300mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
409107    Earthing pipe clamp 1" Cu     785523    Intake tube extension D=40/L=400mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
409127    Earthing pipe clamp 1/2" Cu     785530    Intake tube adjustable angle D=40mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
409147    Earthing pipe clamp 1/4" Cu     785540    Flat cleaning head D=40mm/W=55mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
409347    Earthing pipe clamp 3/4" Cu     785541    Flat cleaning head D=25mm/W=35mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
409387    Earthing pipe clamp 3/8" Cu     785542    Chamfered flat cleaning head D=25/W=35mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410003    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.35m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785543    Angled cross cleaning head D=25mm/W=35mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410005    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.55m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785550    Cylindrical tubular brush D=25/85mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410006    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.65m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785551    Flat cleaning head W=35/L=200mm for MS dry cleaning set -36kV
410010    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.05m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785552    Angled flat cleaning head with brush W=35/L=250mm for MS dry clean. set -36kV
410012    Earthing pipe clamp 1/2" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785555    Conical tubular brush D=25/85mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410015    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.55m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785560    Round cleaning head with scraper D=25mm W=50m for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410020    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.05m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785570    Round cleaning head with brush D=25mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410025    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.55m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785580    Cleaning brush for set parts D=40mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410030    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 3.05m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785585    Cleaning brush for set parts D=20mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410034    Earthing pipe clamp  3/4" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785590    Flat cleaning head w. brush D=25/W=35mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410035    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 3.55m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785591    Angled flat cleaning head with brush D=25/W=35mm for NS dry clean. set -1000V
410038    Earthing pipe clamp 3/8", St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785592    Flat cleaning head with brush D=25/W=35mm for NS dry clean. set -1000V
410040    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 4.05m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785595    Spare brush for cleaning nozzles 25mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410050    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 5.05m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785596    Spare brush for cleaning nozzles 40mm for NS dry cleaning set -1000V
410060    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 6.05m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785637    Locking element for DIN rail mounted devices  H 45mm 3 modules
410070    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 7.05m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785638    Locking element for DIN rail mounted devices, H=45mm, 1 module
410099    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 10.0m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785639    Locking element for E14 screw insert
410100    Earthing pipe clamp 1", St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785640    Locking element for E27/E33 screw insert
410112    Earthing pipe clamp 1 1/2" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785641    Locking element for NH fuse holders, size: 00
410114    Earthing pipe clamp 1 1/4" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785642    Locking element for NH fuse holders, size: 0
410134    Earthing pipe clamp 1 3/4" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785643    Locking element for NH fuse holders, size: 1
410140    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 14.0m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785644    Locking element for NH fuse holders, size: 2-3
410150    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 15.0m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785645    NH fuse puller 00-3 for live working -1000V with protective sleeve
410199    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 20.0m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785646    Covering cloth W=200mm, L=2500mm for NH insulaters -1000V, neoprene
410200    Earthing pipe clamp 2" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785647    Clip for clamping range up to 35mm for fixing the covering cloths -1000V
410212    Earthing pipe clamp 2 1/2" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785648    Hook D=8mm, dimensions: 130/72mm for fixing the covering cloths -1000V
410219    Connection element f. equipot. bonding StSt for HVI conductor light D 20mm grey    785649    Ring made of plastic, hole 12mm for attaching to covering cloths -1000V
410299    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 30.0m black two open cable lugs M8/M10    785650    Insulating plug for E18 screw insert
410300    Earthing pipe clamp 3" St/tZn with hole D=11mm    785652    Locking element for DIN rail mounted device H=45mm 2 modules
410309    Earthing pipe clamp 3/8" StSt with hole D=11mm    785796    Protective gloves size 8 for protecting against thermal and mechanical risks
410319    Earthing pipe clamp 1/2" StSt with hole D=11mm    785797    Protective gloves size 9 for protecting against thermal and mechanical risks
410329    Earthing pipe clamp 3/4" StSt with hole D=11mm    785798    Protective gloves size 10 for protecting against thermal and mechanical risks
410339    Earthing pipe clamp 1" StSt with hole D=11mm    785799    Protective gloves size 11 for protecting against thermal and mechanical risks
410349    Earthing pipe clamp 1 1/4" StSt with hole D=11mm    785940    MS damp cleaning set -36kV with gear coupling
410359    Earthing pipe clamp 1 1/2" StSt with hole D=11mm    785950    MS combined cleaning set -36kV
410369    Earthing pipe clamp 1 3/4" StSt with hole D=11mm    785951    GRP case, empty 850x410x400mm for MS combined cleaning set
410379    Earthing pipe clamp 2" StSt with hole D=11mm    785952    Artificial leather bag 1400x280mm
410389    Earthing pipe clamp 2 1/2" StSt with hole D=11mm    785953    Spray bottle for MS cleaning liquid
410399    Earthing pipe clamp 3" StSt with hole D=11mm    790150    Earth connection socket
410401    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.2m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    790250    Fixed earthing point with ring groove M12
410403    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.35m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    790251    Fixed earthing point with ring groove M12
410404    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.45m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    790260    Fixed earthing point with ring groove M16
410405    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.55m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    790261    Fixed earthing point with ring groove M16
410406    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.65m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    792030    Earth milling clamp for flat profiles -30mm with tommy bar for PK1
410407    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.65m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    792190    Earth milling clamp for flat profiles -40mm with tommy bar for PK1
410410    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    794025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410411    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.05m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    794031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410413    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.35m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    794044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410415    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    794045    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410416    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    794046    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410420    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    794048    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410421    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    794049    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
410425    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.55m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    794050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410426    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.55m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    794052    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410430    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 3.05m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    794053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 95mm²
410431    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 3.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    794060    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
410450    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.55m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    794061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
410503    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.35m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    794064    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
410506    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.65m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    794065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
410510    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.05m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    794068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
410515    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    794069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
410520    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    794125    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
410525    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.55m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    794127    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
410530    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 3.05m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    794134    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
410603    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.35m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    794135    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
410605    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    794138    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
410606    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.65m black Cable lug 1x closedM8/10, plug connector    794139    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
410610    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    794317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410615    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    794325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
410620    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    794331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
410625    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    794350    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410630    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 3.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    794351    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
410720    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, plug connector    794353    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
410903    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.35m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794354    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
410905    Earth conductor 10mm² / L 0.55m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794356    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410906    Earth conductor 10mm²/L 0.65m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410910    Earth conductor 10mm²/L 1.05m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410915    Earth conductor 10mm²/L 1.55m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410920    Earth conductor 10mm²/L 2.05m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410925    Earth conductor 10mm²/L 2.55m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
410930    Earth conductor 10mm²/L 3.05m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    794363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
416003    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 0.35m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
416005    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 0.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794366    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
416006    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 0.65m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
416010    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 1.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
416015    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 1.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794369    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
416016    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 1.55m black Cable lug 1x open with plug connector    794370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
416020    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 2.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794372    E+K-Vorrichtung 3-polig  Spindel Q-Stift D 20mm 95/35mm²
416025    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 2.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
416030    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 3.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416035    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 3.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794376    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416040    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 4.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794377    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416050    Earth conductor 16mm²/L 5.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2 x M8/M10    794378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416060    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 6.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794379    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416070    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 7.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416080    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 8.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416100    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 10.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416120    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 12.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416140    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 14.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794386    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416150    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 15.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794387    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416200    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 20.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416220    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 22.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794389    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416280    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 28.05m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416300    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 30.03m black Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    794392    E+K-Vorrichtung 3-polig  Spindel Q-Stift D 20mm 95/35mm² drehbar
416403    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 0.35m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    794393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416410    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 1.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    795001    YM2 earthing cable 95mm²
416411    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 1.0m black, cable lug (C)M8 and (B)M8/M10    795025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 95mm²
416415    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    795031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 95mm²
416416    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    795038    Short-circuiting bar 60x8x....mm, Cu type: hexagon shaft
416420    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    795039    Short-circuiting bar 60x12x....mm, Cu type: hexagon shaft
416421    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    795040    Fixed clamping point M12 St/gal Zn-Al for short-circuiting busbar
416425    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 2.55m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    795041    Short-circuiting bar 60x8x....mm, Cu type: T pin shaft
416426    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 2.55m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    795042    Short-circuiting bar 60x8x....mm, Al type: hexagon shaft
416430    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 3.05m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    795043    "Short-circuiting bar 60x12x....mm, Al     type: hexagon shaft"
416431    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 3.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    795044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 95mm²
416440    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 4.05m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    795045    Short-circuiting bar 60x12x....mm, Cu type: T pin shaft
416441    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 4.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    795046    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 95mm²
416450    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 5.05m black Cable lug 1x open M8/M10, 1x closed M8    795048    Short-circuiting bar 60x8x....mm, Al type: T pin shaft
416451    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 5.05m black Cable lug 1x op. M8/M10, 1x closed M10    795049    "Short-circuiting bar 60x12x....mm, Al     type: T pin shaft"
416505    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 0.55m black Cable lug 1x open M5/M6, 1x closed M8    795050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 95mm²
416516    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 2x open, 1x M8/M10, 1x M5/M6    795053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 95mm²
416903    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 0.35m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795060    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416905    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 0.55m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416906    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 0.65m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795064    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416910    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 1.05m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
416915    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 1.55m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
416920    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 2.05m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795069    E+K-Vorrichtung 1-polig  Spindel Q-Stift D 25mm 95mm² drehbar
416925    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 2.55m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795103    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
416930    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 3.05m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795104    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
416970    Earth conductor 16mm² / L 7.05m black Cable lug 2x closed M10    795105    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
417005    Earth cond. 16mm² / L 0.55m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795106    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
417010    Earth cond. 16mm² / L 1.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795107    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device universal clamp, T pin shaft
417015    Earth cond. 16mm² / L 1.55m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795110    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
417020    Earth cond. 16mm² / L 2.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795112    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
417030    Earth cond. 16mm² / L 3.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795113    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
417050    Earth cond. 16mm² / L 5.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795114    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device 95mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
417100    Earth cond. 16mm²/L 10.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795123    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
417115    Earth cond. 16mm²/L 15.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795213    Screw adapter for fixed clamping point type: T pin shaft
417120    Earth cond. 16mm²/L 20.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795214    Screw adapter for fixed clamping point type: hexagon shaft
417125    Earth cond. 16mm²/L 25.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
417130    Earth cond. 16mm²/L 30.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
417150    Earth cond. 16mm²/L 50.05m green/yellow Cable lug 2x open, 2x M8/M10    795331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
420100    Downpipe clamp D=100mm, St/tZn with hole D=11mm    795350    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
420107    Downpipe clamp D=100mm, Cu with hole D=11mm    795351    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
420120    Downpipe clamp D=120mm, St/tZn with hole D=11mm    795356    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
420127    Downpipe clamp D=120mm, Cu with hole D=11mm    795357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
420207    Bimetal downpipe clamp D=100mm, Cu-St/tZn with clamping frame 6-10mm    795358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
423010    Downpipe clamp D=60-100mm, St/tZn with hole D=10.5mm    795359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
423011    Downpipe clamp 60-100mm, Al with hole D=10.5mm    795360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
423017    Downpipe clamp 60-100mm, Cu with hole D=10.5mm    795362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
423019    Downpipe clamp 60-100mm, StSt with hole D=10.5mm    795363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft
423020    Downpipe clamp 60-150mm, St/tZn with hole D=10.5mm    795365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
423021    Downpipe clamp 60-150mm, Al with hole D=10.5mm    795366    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
423027    Downpipe clamp 60-150mm, Cu with hole D=10.5mm    795367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
423029    Downpipe clamp 60-150mm, StSt with hole D=10.5mm    795368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
425076    Conductor holder St/tZn with clamp bush for Rd 8-10mm for roof supports D=76mm    795369    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
425089    Conductor holder St/tZn with clamp bush for Rd 8-10mm for roof supports D=89mm    795370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
435803    Earth terminal 1/2-2" 6-16mm² for pipelines D 10-60mm MCI/tZn    795372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
435805    Earth terminal 3/8"-1 1/4" 6-16mm² for pipelines D 5-45mm MCI/tZn    795373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft
444006    Earthing cable lug 6-16mm² A model open M5/M6    795374    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
444008    Earthing cable lug 6-16mm² C model closed M8    795375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
444009    Earthing cable lug 6-16mm² D model closed M10    795376    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
444010    Earthing cable lug 6-16mm² B model open M8/M10    795378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
450000    Disconnecting sleeve f. Rd 16/7-10mm, ZDC    795379    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
450001    Disconnecting sleeve f. Rd 16/8-10mm Al     795380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
450007    Disconnecting sleeve f. Rd 16/7-10mm RCB     795382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
450011    Disconnecting sleeve f. Rd 16/7-10mm ZDC closed unit    795383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft
450101    Disconnecting sleeve f. Rd 8/8-10mm Al     795384    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
453100    FIX test joint with isolating unit for Rd 8-10mm Fl 30mm    795385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
454000    Connecting/disconnecting clamp St/tZn, intermediate plate f. Rd 7-10/Fl 30-40mm    795386    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
454100    Connecting/disconnecting clamp St/tZn for Rd 7-10/Fl 30-40mm    795388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
454107    Connecting/disconnecting clamp Cu for Rd 7-10/Fl 30-40mm    795389    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
455000    Connecting/disconnecting clamp Fl 30mm MCI/tZn    795390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
459000    UNI disconnecting clamp, St/tZn with intermediate plate for Rd 16/7-10mm    795392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
459003    UNI disconnecting clamp, St/tZn with intermediate plate for 2x Rd 7-10mm    795393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft
459010    UNI disconnecting clamp, St/tZn for Rd 16/8-10mm    795604    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable with PK1 base section
459019    UNI disconnecting clamp, StSt for Rd 16/8-10mm    795802    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
459020    UNI disconnecting clamp, St/tZn for 2x Rd 8-10mm    795803    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
459029    UNI disconnecting clamp, StSt for 2x Rd 8-10mm    795804    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
459030    UNI disconnecting clamp, St/tZn for Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm    795806    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
459039    UNI disconnecting clamp, StSt for Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm    795807    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft
459119    UNI disconnecting clamp, StSt with intermediate plate for Rd 8-10/16mm    795811    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
459127    UNI isolating clamp Cu with intermediate plate f. 2 x Rd 8-10mm    795812    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
459129    UNI disconnecting clamp, StSt with intermediate plate for 2x Rd 8-10mm    795813    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
459139    UNI disconnecting clamp, StSt with intermediate plate for Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm    795815    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
460117    Bimetal disconnecting clamp, Cu-St/tZn with KS connector 6-10/Rd 16mm w. shield    795816    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft
460147    Bimetal disconnect. clamp Cu-St/tZn with KS connector f. 6-10/Fl 16mm with shield    795821    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
460213    ÖN disconnecting clamp ZDC for 2x Rd 7-10mm    795822    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
460507    Bimetal UNI disconnecting clamp Cu-St/tZn for Rd 8-10/16mm    795823    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp hexagonal shaf
460517    Bimetal UNI disconnecting clamp Cu-St/tZn for 2x Rd 8-10mm    795825    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
460557    Bimetal UNI disconnecting clamp Cu-St/tZn for Rd 8-10mm/Fl 30mm    795826    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft
463010    ES disconnecting clamp, MCI/tZn for Rd 8/10mm    795831    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
465801    Earthing busbar St/tZn L 180mm for 3 earthing conductors, screws M10x35    795832    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
466192    Earthing busbar St/tZn L 290mm for 5 earthing conductors, screws M10x35    795833    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
466203    Anchoring pole made of GTW-45-07/tZn L405mm for bracing rod parts    795835    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
472021    Earthing busbar St/tZn f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 6 connections    795836    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 95/35mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft
472022    Earthing busbar St/tZn f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 3 connections    795950    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type 2000
472023    Earthing busbar St/tZn f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 2 connections    795951    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type 2000
472024    Earthing busbar St/tZn f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 4 connections    800008    Solid round conductor 8mm, St/tZn Z350 approx. ring length 127m
472109    Earthing busbar StSt f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 2 connections    800010    Solid round conductor 10mm, St/tZn Z350 approx. ring length 81m
472119    Earthing busbar StSt f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 3 connections    800108    Solid round cond. 8/11mm, St/tZn Z350 approx. ring length 75m, black pl. coat.
472129    Earthing busbar StSt f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 4 connections    800110    Solid round cond. 10/13mm, St/tZn Z350 approx. ring length 50m, black pl. coat.
472139    Earthing busbar StSt f. equipotential bonding with 2 x 6 connections    801050    Stranded cond. 10mm, 42mm², St/gal Zn (114x0.65mm), approx. ring length 100m
472201    Fixing set with 2 rigid screws M10x80mm and 2 plastic dowels D=12mm    810225    Tape 20x2.5mm, St/tZn Z500 approx. ring length 100m
472207    Equipotential bonding bar without cover Cu with M10 screws for 6 connections    810304    Tape 30x4mm, St/tZn Z500 approx. ring length 52m
472209    Equipotential bonding bar without cover StSt with M10 screws for 6 connections    810335    Tape 30x3.5mm, St/tZn Z500 approx. ring length 50m
472210    Insulator for equipotential bonding bar H40 SW36 M10/M10 UV-resistant    810404    Tape 40x4mm, St/tZn Z500 approx. ring length 40m
472217    Equipotential bonding bar without cover Cu with M10 screws for 10 connections    810405    Tape 40x5mm, St/tZn Z500 approx. ring length 30m
472219    Equipotential bonding bar without cover StSt with M10 screws for 10 connections    819020    DEHNconductor HVI conductor I, D=20mm Cu w. connection elements StSt s=750mm blac
472227    Equipotential bonding bar without cover Cu with M10 screws for 8 connections    819021    DEHNconductor HVI cond. II, D=20mm Cu w. connection elements StSt s=750mm blac
472229    Equipotential bonding bar without cover StSt with M10 screws for 8 connections    819022    DEHNconductor HVI cond. III, D=20mm Cu w. connection elements StSt s=750mm blac
472237    Equipotential bonding bar without cover Cu with M10 screws for 12 connections    819023    DEHNconductor HVI conductor I, D=23mm Cu w. connection elements StSt s=750mm grey
472239    Equipotential bonding bar without cover StSt with M10 screws for 12 connections    819024    DEHNconductor HVI cond. II, D=23mm Cu w. connection elements StSt s=750mm grey
472257    Equipotential bonding bar without cover Cu with 13mm holes for 8 connections    819025    DEHNconductor HVI cond. III, D=20mm Cu w. connection elements StSt s=750mm grey
472269    Cover for equipotential bonding bar, StSt with 8 connections    819125    HVI conductor light D 20mm grey FIX length one-way drum 100m
472279    Cover for equipotential bonding bar, StSt with 6 connections    819250    DEHNcon-H HVI cond. light I -SET-, pipe L2055mm air-term. tip 0.5m,instal. mat.
472289    Cover for equipotential bonding bar, StSt with 10 connections    819251    DEHNcon-H HVI cond. light I -SET-, pipe L2055mm air-term. tip 1.0m, instal. mat.
472299    Cover for equipotential bonding bar, StSt with 12 connections    819252    DEHNcon-H HVI cond. light I -SET-, pipe L2705mm air-term. tip 0.5m, instal. mat.
476001    Inspection door, St/tZn with square spanner 285x225mm    819253    DEHNcon-H HVI cond. light I -SET-, pipe L 2705mm air-ter. tip 1.0m, instal. mat.
476010    UP inspection housing 160x160x68mm with terminal lugs Rd 8/10mm L=200mm    819260    DEHNcon-H HVI con. light III -SET-, pipe L 2055mm air-ter. tip 0.5m, instal. mat.
476016    UP inspection housing 160x160x68mm with 2 Cu conductors 16mm² L approx. 230mm    819261    DEHNcon-H HVI con. light III -SET-, pipe L 2055mm air-ter. tip 1.0m, instal. mat.
476020    Inspection door, StSt with square spanner 285x225mm    819262    DEHNcon-H HVI con. light III -SET-, pipe L 2705mm air-ter. tip 0.5m, instal. mat.
478011    Fixed earthing term. M type M10/M12 StSt with terminal axis L=195mm, St/tZn    819263    DEHNcon-H HVI con. light III -SET-, pipe L 2705mm air-ter. tip 1.0m, instal. mat.
478012    Fixed earthing term. M type M10/M12 StSt without terminal axis    819280    Air-termination mast set I f. HVI cond. light, tripod support H 2900mm -SET-
478019    Fixed earthing term. M type M10/M12 StSt with  terminal axis L=195mm    819285    Air-termination mast set II f. HVI cond. light, tripod support H 3900mm -SET-
478041    Fixed earthing term. M type for M10/M12 with compressed terminal axis, St/tZn    819299    Connection elements + installation material for HVI conductor light
478049    Fixed earthing term. M type for M10/M12 with compressed terminal axis, StSt    819320    DEHNconductor HVI cond. I D20mm -SET-, ins. pipe L3220mm, air-termin. tip 1.0m
478051    Erdungsfestpunkt Typ M M10/M12 NIRO m. Anschlussachse St/tZn u. Wassersperre    819321    DEHNconductor HVI conduc. II D 20mm-SET- ins. pipe L3220mm air-termin. tip 1.0m
478099    Protective cap PVC for terminal lugs Rd 10mm/Fl 30x3.5mm green/yellow    819322    DEHNconductor HVI cond. III D 20mm -SET- ins. pipe L3220mm, air.-term. tip 1.0m
478112    Fixed earthing term. M type f. M10/ M12 StSt, MV terminal f. Rd 8-10mm St/tZn    819323    DEHNconductor HVI conduct. I D 23mm-SET- ins. pipe L 3200mm, air-term. tip 1.0m
478129    Terminal for fixed earthing point M10  f. Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm StSt    819324    DEHNconductor HVI cond. II D 23mm -SET-, ins. pipe L 3200mm, air-term. tip 1.0m
478141    Terminal for fixed earthing terminal M10 for Rd 7-10/Fl30-40mm, St/tZn    819325    DEHNconductor HVI conduc. III D 23mm-SET ins. pipe L3200mm, air-termin. tip 1.0m
478200    Fixed earthing term. K type M10/M12, StS with terminal axis L=195mm, St/tZn    819360    DEHNconductor HVI cond. I, D=20mm -SET- ins. pipe L=3250mm, air-termin. tip 2.5m
478310    Bushing for roofs and walls 100-200mm with M12 threaded rod L=300mm, StSt    819361    DEHNconductor HVI cond. II, D=20mm -SET- ins. pipe L=3250mm, air-termin. tip 2.5m
478320    Bushing for roofs and walls 200-300mm with M12 threaded rod L=400mm, StSt    819362    DEHNcond. HVI cond. III, D=20mm -SET- ins. pipe L=3250mm, air-termin. tip 2.5m
478330    Bushing for roofs and walls 300-400mm with M12 threaded rod L=500mm, StSt    819420    DEHNconductor HVI conduc. I D20mm -SET- ins. pipe L4720mm, air-termin. tip 1.0m
478340    Bushing for roofs and walls 400-600mm with M12 threaded rod L=700mm, StSt    819422    DEHNconductor HVI conduc. III D20mm-SET- ins. pipe L4720mm, air-termin. tip 1.0m
478530    Wanddurchführung m. Druckwasserschutz f. Stärken 250-300mm m. Buchsen M10/12    819423    DEHNconductor HVI conductor I D23mm-SET- ins. pipe L 4720mm, air-termin. tip 1.0m
478540    Wanddurchführung m. Druckwasserschutz f. Stärken 350-400mm m. Buchsen M10/12    819425    DEHNconductor HVI conduc. III D23mm-SET- ins. pipe L4720mm air-termin. tip 1.0m
478550    Wanddurchführung m. Druckwasserschutz f. Stärken 450-500mm m. Buchsen M10/12    819720    DEHNconductor HVI conduc. I D 20mm -SET- ins. pipe L7850mm, air-term. tip 2.5m
479150    Lead-in earthing rod St/tZn L 1500mm with 2 termination holes D 12mm    819750    DEHNcond. HVI cond. I+I, D=20mm, -SET- ins. pipe L=7850mm, air-ter. tip 2.5m
479157    Lead-in earthing rod Cu L 1500mm with 2 termination holes D 12mm    830008    Solid round conductor 8mm, Cu approx. ring length 100m, soft
480003    Number plate without number, Al for Rd 7-10mm Fl 30mm    830038    Solid round conductor 8mm, Cu approx. ring length 100m, medium hard
480004    Number plate without number, Al for Rd 16mm    830108    Solid round conductor 8mm, Cu approx. ring length 20m, soft
480005    "Number plate with number, Al for     Rd 7-10mm Fl 30mm"    830208    DEHNconductor, CUI conductor, D=20mm Cu, 8mm prewired, L=3.5m
480006    Number plate with number, Al for Rd 16mm     830218    DEHNconductor, CUI conductor, D=20mm Cu, 8mm prewired, L=5m
480018    Lead-in earthing rod St/tZn L 1500mm diminished D 16/10mm partly insulated    831225    Tape 20x2.5mm, Cu approx. ring length 100m
480019    Lead-in earthing rod St/tZn L 1750mm diminished D 16/10mm partly insulated    832095    Stranded cond. 12.5mm, 95mm², Cu (19x2.5mm), approx. ring length 50m
480020    Lead-in earthing rod St/tZn L 2000mm diminished D 16/10mm partly insulated    832192    Stranded cond. 10.5mm, 70mm², Cu (19x2.1mm), approx. ring length 50m
480021    Lead-in earthing rod St/tZn L 2500mm diminished D 16/10mm partly insulated    832193    Stranded cond. 10.5mm, 70mm², Cu (19x2.1mm), approx. ring length 100m
480022    Lead-in earthing rod St/tZn L 2250mm diminished D 16/10mm partly insulated    832292    Stranded cond. 10.5mm, 70mm², Cu/gal Sn (19x2.1mm), approx. ring length 100m
480110    Support for VDB test badge, StSt for number plates and disconnecting clamps    832295    Stranded cond. 12.5mm, 95mm², Cu/gal Sn (19x2.5mm), approx. ring length 50m
480113    Test label for VDB test badge, StSt for Rd 7-10mm/Fl 30mm    832739    Stranded cond. 9mm, 50mm², Cu (7x3mm) approx. ring length 50m
480114    Test label for VDB test badge, StSt for Rd 16mm    832740    Stranded cond. 9mm, 50mm², Cu (7x3mm) approx. ring length 100m
480150    Lead-in earthing rod St/tZn  -SET- L 1500 mm, disconn. sleeve, KS screws    832839    Stranded cond. 9mm, 50mm², Cu/gal Sn (19x1.8mm), approx. ring length 100m
480157    Lead-in earthing rod Cu  -SET- L 1500 mm, disconn. sleeve, KS screws    840008    Solid round conductor DEHNALU 8mm AlMgSi approx. ring length 148m medium hard
480598    Instruction plate ATTENTION! Isolated lightning prot. w. DEHNconductor system    840010    Solid round conductor 10mm, Al approx. ring length 100m
480599    Instruction plate  ATTENTION! Equipotential bonding    840018    Solid round cond. DEHNALU 8mm, AlMgSi approx. ring length 148m, soft-twistable
480699    Instruction plate 210x297x0.7mm Al In case of thunderstroms it is ...    840050    Stranded cond. 9mm, 50mm², Al (19x1.8mm) EN 50182, approx. ring length 100m
483100    Air-termination rod D 16mm L 1000mm St/tZn chamfered    840108    Solid round cond. DEHNALU 8mm, AlMgSi approx. ring length 21m, medium hard
483125    Air-termination rod D16mm L 1250mm St/tZn chamfered    840118    Solid round cond. 8/11mm, AlMgSi, soft, ring l. 100m, pl. coat., halogen-free
483150    Air-termination rod/lead-in earthing rod St/tZn D 16mm L 1500mm chamfered    852335    Tape 30x3.5mm, St/tZn Z500 approx. ring length 25m
483200    Air-termination rod/lead-in earthing rod St/tZn D 16mm L 2000mm chamfered    860008    Solid round conductor 8mm, StSt, 1.4571 (V4A) approx. ring length 125m
524912    Spring washer DIN 128 A12 StSt     860010    Solid round cond. 10mm, StSt, 1.4571 (V4A) approx. ring length 80m
524913    Spring washer DIN 128 A16 StSt     860020    Solid round conductor 10mm, StSt, 1.4571 (V4A) approx. ring length 20m
525001    Pressure plate Al 40x40x6mm with B 13mm     860115    Terminal lug, Rd 10mm, StSt V4A L=1500mm
525001    Pressure plate Al 40x40x6mm with B 13mm     860130    Terminal lug, Rd 10mm, StSt V4A L=3000mm
525002    Pressure plate Al 50x50x8mm with B 17mm     860215    Terminal lug, Fl 30x3.5mm, StSt (V4A) L=1500mm
525002    Pressure plate Al 50x50x8mm with B 17mm     860230    Terminal lug, Fl 30x3.5mm, StSt (V4A) L=3000mm
525912    Flat washer DIN 125 A13 StSt     860325    Tape 30x3.5mm, StSt, 1.4571 (V4A) approx. ring length 25m
525916    Flat washer DIN 125 A17 StSt     860335    Tape 30x3.5mm, StSt, 1.4571 (V4A) approx. ring length 60m
528850    Wood screw with threaded head M8x10mm St/gal Zn L=50mm    860900    Tape 30x3.5mm, StSt, 1.4301 (V2A) approx. ring length 60m
528870    Wood screw with threaded head M8x10mm St/gal Zn L=70mm    860908    Solid round con. 8mm, StSt, 1.4301 (V2A) approx. ring length 125m
538010    Staple for Rd -10mm L=40mm St/tZn     860910    Solid round con. 10mm, StSt, 1.4301 (V2A) approx. ring length 80m
538030    Staple for Fl -30mm L=40mm St/tZn     860920    Solid round con. 10mm, StSt, 1.4301 (V2A) approx. ring length 20m
540001    Earthing pipe clamp 1/4-1 1/2" with terminal 2.5-6mm² Ms/gal Sn    860925    Tape 30x3.5mm, StSt, 1.4301 (V2A) approx. ring length 25m
540002    Earthing pipe clamp 1/4-3" with terminal 2.5-6mm² Ms/gal Sn    900015    DEHNbloc Maxi 1 lightning current arrester
540100    Pipe clamp for antenna 3/4"-6" StSt for Rd 10mm or 2x Rd 6-8mm or 4-25mm²    900016    DEHNbloc Maxi 1 320 lightning current arrester
540103    Pipe clamp for antenna 3/4"-3" StSt for Rd 10mm or 2x Rd 6-8mm or 4-25mm²    900025    DEHNbloc Maxi 1 lightning current arrester 50kA
540105    Pipe clamp StSt f. air-termination rods D 16mm f. square profiles min. 40mm    900026    DEHNbloc Maxi 1 lightning current arrester 50kA with operation display
540110    Grip holder f. contin. tensioning strap 25x0.3mm f. Rd 10mm/2x Rd 6-8mm/4-25mm²    900050    DEHNgap Maxi S, N-PE lightning current arrester
540200    BS pipe clamp with tines, StSt 3/4"-6" connection for Rd 6-8/10 4-25mm²    900120    DEHNbloc 3 lightning current arrester
540801    Pipe clamp for explosive zone 3/4"-3" Cu/gal Zn StSt with M10 terminal screw    900132    DEHNgap B N, N-PE lightning current arrester
540803    Pipe clamp for explosive zone 3"-300mm Cu/gal Zn StSt with M10 terminal screw    900159    DEHNbloc 1 lightning current arrester
540810    Pipe clamp for expl. zone without tens. strap Cu/gal Zn StSt, term. screw M10    900216    N-PE protection module for DEHNgap C T with increased nominal discharge current
540821    Bandrohrschelle f. Ex-Bereich D 6mm-3/4" m. Anschluss M8 u. Vorspanner    900220    DEHNbloc Maxi S lightning current arrester
540900    Grip holder StSt for tensioning strap 25x0.3mm with terminal 2 x 4-25mm²    900222    DEHNbloc 255V H lightning current arrester, single-pole
540901    Tensioning strap, StSt, 25x0.3mm L=100m     900261    V NH00 surge arrester
540910    Earthing pipe clamp, StSt, 3/4-2" with terminal 2 x 4-25mm²    900262    VA NH 280 surge arrester
540911    Earthing pipe clamp, StSt, 3/4-4" with terminal 2 x 4-25mm²    900263    VNH 280 FM surge arrester
540912    Earthing pipe clamp, StSt, 3/4-6" with terminal 2 x 4-25mm²    900264    VA NH 280 FM surge arrester
540930    Grip holder for strap 14x0.3mm, StSt with screw M8x16mm    900269    DEHNgap B NH00 lightning current arrester
540931    Tensioning strap 14x0.3mm L=50m, StSt with unreel box    900270    V NH1 280 surge arrester
545000    Measuring line Cu 0.75 mm² brown     900271    VA NH1 280 surge arrester
546000    Earthing tong L 205mm St/gal Zn for Rd -55mm Fl -45 mm    900273    DEHNbloc NH00 lightning current arester
546001    Earthing tong L 205mm StSt for Rd -55mm Fl -45 mm    900330    DEHNlimit combined lightning current and surge arrester
546002    Earthing tong L 140mm StSt for Rd -16mm Fl -13 mm    900390    DEHNventil ZP TNC combined lightning current and surge arrester
546025    Earthing tong L 140mm St/gal Zn for Rd -16mm Fl -13 mm    900391    DEHNventil ZP TT combined lightning current and surge arrester
549000    UF inspection housing without test joint 230x150x120mm, GCI, black lacquered    900411    3-pole earthing clip for DEHNguard 1000
549001    UF inspection housing with test joint 230x150x120mm, GCI for Rd 7-10/Fl 40mm    900417    Earthing clip single-phase, 4-pole
552010    Plastic roof bushing D 34mm borehole 16mm for Rd 8-10mm    900471    VC surge arrester
552020    Sealing collar D=65mm plastic for conductor holder with squared tip    900517    DEHNguard surge arrester
552030    Plastic roof bushing D 250mm for Rd 8-10-16 and Fl 20x2.5-30x3.5mm    900547    DEHNguard surge arrester
554011    Heat-shrinkable sleeve, black, size 1" for Rd 16/Fl 30mm    900589    Pin-shaped terminal 2x16mm²
556125    Anticorrosive band W=50mm L=10m     900595    Modular wiring system, 3-phase, 6-pole, for 6 modules Cu/16mm²
556130    Anticorrosive band W=100mm L=10m     900610    Modular wiring system, single-phase, 4-pole, Cu 16mm²
559010    Special coating paint, grey, 750ml     900611    Modular wiring system, single-phase, 8-pole, Cu/16mm²
559011    Special coating paint, brown, 750ml     900612    Modular wiring system, single-phase, 57-pole, Cu/16mm²
561925    Hexagon screw DIN 933 M12x25mm StSt     900614    Modular wiring system, 4-phase, 56-pole, for 56 modules, Cu/16mm²
561930    Hexagon screw DIN 933 M12x30mm StSt     900615    Kammschiene 1-phasig 3-pol. Cu/16mm²
561931    Hexagon screw DIN 933 M16x30mm StSt     900617    Kammschiene 1-phasig 2-pol. Cu/16mm²
561935    Hexagon screw DIN 933 M12x35mm StSt     900659    DEHNguard T VA surge arrester
562001    Cupal sleeve, exterior material: Al, interior mat.: Cu f. Rd 8mm=50mm² L 60mm    900667    DEHNguard T surge arrester
562035    Cupal sleeve, exterior material: Al, interior material: Cu, 35mm² L=32mm    900675    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard T
562050    Cupal sleeve, exterior material: Al, interior mat.: Cu f. Rd 8mm=50mm² L=40mm    900689    DEHNguard T VA FM surge arrester
562101    Cupal sleeve, exterior material: Cu, interior mat.: Al f. Rd 8mm=50mm² L=60mm    900692    DEHNguard T surge arrester
562135    Cupal sleeve, exterior material: Cu, interior material: Al, for 35mm² L=32mm    900699    Feed-through terminal 1.5-35mm² stranded (25mm² flexible) DIN rail mounted device
562150    Cupal sleeve, exterior material: Cu, interior mat.: Al f. Rd 8mm=50mm² L=40mm    900813    Modular wiring system, 3-phase, 6-pole, for 8 modules, Cu/16 mm²
562250    Cupal sleeve, exterior material: Al, interior material: Cu, 25mm² L=29mm    900814    Modular wiring system, 4-phase, 8-pole, for 11 modules, Cu/16 mm²
562440    Cupal sheet 500x40x0.5mm     900815    Kammschiene 1-phasig 6-pol. Cu/16mm²
562460    Cupal sheet 500x60x0.5mm     900848    7-pole busbar, single-phase Cu 16mm²
563010    Potentialausgleichschiene m. Abdeckung 7x 2,5-16mm² 2x16-95mm² 1x Fl 30x4mm    901130    DEHNrail surge arrester
563011    Terminal block for equipotential bonding bar 2.5-16mm² St/gal Zn    902471    Surface mountable insulating encl. IP 54 for DIN rail mounted devices 12 modules
563012    Terminal block Fl -30x4mm for equipotential bonding bar St/gal Zn    902472    Surface mountable insul. enclosure IP 54 for DIN rail mounted devices 24 mods.
563013    Terminal block 16-95mm² for equipotential bonding bar St/gal Zn    902480    Insulating enclosure f. surface mounting IP55 f. DIN rail mounted devices 10 mods
563014    Bar frame for equipotential bonding clamping bar 10x10mm, P/grey    902485    Insulating enclosure AP-IP 54, for DIN rail mounted devices 6 modules
563015    Cover P/grey for R15 equipotential bonding bar    906055    Aluminium enclosure AP-IP 65 for DIN rail mounted devices max. 5 mods.
563016    Clamping bar Ms/gal Sn 10x10x198mm for equipotential bonding bar    906058    Aluminium enclosure AP-IP 65 for DIN rail mounted devices max 5 mods. f. Ex(i
563017    Clamping bar Ms/gal Sn 10x10x398mm for equipotential bonding bar    906059    Mounting set for Al encl. No.906058 f. mounting at masts and tubes StSt
563018    Clamping bar Ms/gal Sn 10x10x798mm for equipotential bonding bar    906100    DEHN enclosure for equipotential bonding for 3 LSA blocks 10/2
563019    Terminal block Fl -40x5mm for equipotential bonding bar St/gal Zn    906101    DEHN enclosure for equipotential bonding for 6 LSA blocks 10/2
563020    Potentialausgleichschiene m. Abdeckung 5x 2,5-16mm² 3x16-95mm² 1x Fl 30x4mm    906102    DEHN enclosure for equipotential bonding for 12 LSA blocks 10/2
563030    Potentialausgleichschiene m. Abdeckung 13x 2,5-16mm² 1x 16-95mm²    906103    DEHN enclosure for equipotential bonding for 22 LSA blocks 10/2
563050    Equipotential bonding bar with cover 7x2.5-16mm² Fl 30x3.5mm Rd 7-10mm    907208    Gas discharge tube
563103    Equipotential bonding bar, unit for flush mounting, 7x2.5-16mm²    907214    Surge protective block LSA-Plus Techn., 10 pairs, with 3-electrode arresters
563105    Equipotential bonding bar without cover 6x2.5-16mm² (miniature unit)    907216    Protection block LSA-Plus tech. 10 pairs 3-elect. arrester "fail safe" fault ind.
563169    Terminal f. ring equipot. bonding StSt f. Rd 8-10/Fl 30mm   connect. 2.5-95mm²    907217    Gas discharge tube
563200    K12 equipotential bonding bar 10x 2.5-95mm²/Rd 10mm 1x Fl 30x4mm    907218    Gas discharge tube 230V for DEHNrapid LSA
563201    K12 equipotential bonding bar with UV-resistant cover    907219    Gas discharge tube for DEHNrapid LSA, fail-safe function, visual fault indic.
563222    Snap-on terminal, St/gal Zn for K12 equipotential bonding bar Fl -40x5mm    907400    DEHNrapid LSA lightning current arrester for 10 pairs
572000    Spider wrench, A/F dimension 10, 13, 17, 19mm    907401    DEHNrapid lightn. curr. arr. LSA f. 10 pairs, fail-safe funct., fault indicator
573000    DEHNIT special clay (in sacks)     907420    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
578110    GEOHM C earth resistance meter     907421    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
578350    HANDY GEO earth resistance meter     907422    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
578360    CA 6412 earth test tongs     907423    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
578370    EP4 continuity tester with digital LCD indicator 0.01 ohms to 2000 kiloohms    907424    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
582600    Case f. earth measuring / artif. leather w. meas. accessories, w.o. resist. meter    907425    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
582620    Leather case for continuity EP 4 tester with measuring accessories    907430    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
584001    Messzubehör Ausrüstung A     907440    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
584002    Messzubehör-SET Ausrüstung B     907441    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
584003    Messzubehör-SET Ausrüstung C     907442    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
585010    Drahthaspel K-grau B 40mm leer     907443    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
585025    Coiler P/grey W 40mm length of measuring line 25m, blue    907444    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
585050    Coiler P/grey W 40mm length of measuring line 50m, blue    907445    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
585200    Coiler P/grey W 80mm empty     907465    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
585210    Coiler P/grey W 80mm length of measuring line 100m, blue    907470    DEHNrapid LSA protective plug
587460    Earth borer MCI/gal Zn L 350mm for use as auxiliary earth electrode + sensor    907497    Label holder for clear marking of DRL / LSA technology
588000    Test terminal MCI/tZn clamping range up to -1/2"    907498    Earthing frame for DEHNrapid LSA protective plug 10 pairs
589000    Test terminal MCI/tZn clamping range up to -1 1/4"    907499    SPD block for gas discharge tube DEHNrapid LSA BM 10 DRL
595000    Straightening iron element, cranked St/barnished for Rd 8mm, width of A/F 10    907991    Disconnect. block/routing module f. LSA technology 2/10 f. DPL and DEHNrapid LSA
596000    Straightening iron element, straight St/barnished for Rd 8-10mm/Fl -4mm    907993    Earth conductor block LSA-Plus technology 2, 38 EC
597003    Wire straightener, St/tZn for Rd 7-10mm with 10 straightening coils and derrick    907994    Insertion tool LSA-Plus technology 2
597004    Wire straightener, St/tZn for Rd 7-10mm with 5 straightening coils and handles    907995    Mounting frame LSA-Plus techology 2
597005    Wire straightener, St/tZn for Rd 7-10mm with 10 straightening coils and handles    907996    Disconnection block LSA-Plus technology 2, 10 pairs
597006    Wire straightener, movable, St/tZn with wire unwinding device    907997    Terminal block LSA-Plus technology 2, 10 pairs
600003    Hammer frame St/tZn for driving in earth rod bars with vibrating hammers    909230    DEHNprotector surge protective adapter
600029    Hammer guiding rider St/tZn for Atlas Copco Cobra 149+248/120+130    909240    DEHNprotector sure protective adapter
600035    Hammer guiding rider St/tZn for Wacker EH / BH / BHF    909300    DEHNprotector surge protective adapter
600050    Hammer guiding rider St/tZn f. Bosch  GSH27    909310    DEHNprotector surge protective adapter
610010    Terminal f. earth rods St/tZn, D 20-30mm f. Rd 8-12.5mm Fl -40mm cables 50-95mm²    909320    DEHNprotector surge protective adapter
610020    Terminal f. earth rods StSt for D 20mm f. Rd 7-10mm Fl -40mm cables 35-70mm²    909703    DEHNgate surge arrester
619157    DEHN earth rod D 20mm, L 1500mm, St/Cu Type S, with lead ball in the coupling    909704    DEHNgate lightning current arrester
620001    Impact tip MCI/tZn D 20mm for earth rod    909705    DEHNgate combined lightning current and surge arrester set
620002    Driving head St/bare D 20mm for earth rods S / Z / AZ    909710    DEHNgate surge arrester
620005    Hammer insert for earth rod D 20mm L 200mm for Wacker round D 27x80mm    909711    DEHNgate surge arrester
620007    Hammer insert for earth rod D 20mm L 240mm, Atlas Copco hexagon A/F 22x108m    910001    Lightning current counter 2-100kA (8/20) Rd 8mm St/tZn
620008    Hammer insert for earth rod D 20mm L 240mm, Atlas Copco hexagon A/F 25x108m    910007    Lightning current counter 2-100kA (8/20) Rd 8mm Cu
620011    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 20mm on one side w. KS connector f. Rd 7-10mm    910099    Protective conductor terminal 16 mm² with universal socket
620012    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 20mm on both sides w. KS conn. f. Rd 7-10mm    910502    P2 impulse meter
620015    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 20mm f. Rd 7-10mm Fl -40mm    910507    Test adapter for DEHNrapid LSA
620017    Conn. clamp f. earth rods Cu, D 20mm f. Rd 7-10mm Fl -40mm    910508    Test adapter for SPD test device for BLITZDUCTOR XT / CT
620019    Hammer insert for earth rod D 20mm L 350mm, Atlas Copco hexagon A/F 28x160m    910511    Hand-held SPD test device
620021    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 20mm w. connection screw M10x20mm f. Fl -40mm    910600    DEHNisola SPD monitoring device
620029    Hammer insert for earth rod D 20mm L 250mm for Bosch hexagon A/F 28 (1 1/8"    910620    DEHNsignal DV remote signalling module
620101    DEHN earth rod D 20mm, L 1000mm, St/tZn Type Z, with triple knurled tenon    910621    DEHNsignal DV 2P remote signalling module
620150    DEHN earth rod D 20mm, L 1500mm, St/tZn Type S, with lead ball in the coupling    910631    DEHNsignal E 3 reception module
620151    DEHN earth rod D 20mm, L 1500mm, St/tZn Type Z, with triple knurled tenon    910640    Optical-fibre cable, plastic, D 2.2 mm L 100m ext. coat. PE f. DEHNsignal
620902    DEHN earth rod D 20mm, L 1500mm, StSt Type AZ, with offset knurled tenon    910641    Optical-fibre plug f. cables, D 2.2 mm for DEHNsignal
620915    Conn. clamp f. earth rods StSt, D 20mm f. Rd 7-10mm Fl -40mm    910642    Optical-fibre cable, plastic, D 2.2mm L 18m external coating PE for DEHNsignal
625001    Impact tip MCI/tZn D 25mm for earth rod    910651    Hand-held reader DEHNrecord LC M2 with visual and acoustic indication
625002    Driving head D 25mm St/bare for earth rod types S / Z    910652    LifeCheck sensor for DEHNrecord with test module for BLITZDUCTOR XT
625005    Hammer insert for earth rod D 25mm L 200mm for Wacker round D 27x80mm    910653    Hand-held reader DEHNrecord LC M3 with visual and acoustic indication
625007    Hammer insert for earth rod D 25mm L 240mm, Atlas Copco hexagon A/F 22x108m    910654    LifeCheck sensor for DEHNrecord with test module for BLITZDUCTOR CT
625008    Hammer insert for earth rod D 25mm L 240mm, Atlas Copco hexagon A/F 25x108m    910695    DEHNrecord Condition Monitoring unit for monitoring up to 10 BXT with Lifecheck
625011    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 25mm on one side with KS connector Rd 7-10mm    912253    SPS Protector surge arrester
625012    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 25mm on both sides w. KS connector Rd 7-10mm    912254    NF 10 mains filter
625015    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 25mm f. Rd 7-10mm Fl -40mm    912260    SFL Protector multiple socket outlet
625019    Hammer insert for earth rod D 25mm L 350mm, Atlas Copco hexagon A/F 28x160m    918400    BLITZDUCTOR VT surge arrester
625021    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 25mm w. connection screw M10x20mm f. Fl -40mm    918401    BLITZDUCTOR VT surge arrester
625029    Hammer insert for earth rod D 25mm L 250mm for Bosch hexagon A/F 28 (1 1/8"    918402    BLITZDUCTOR VT surge arrester
625101    DEHN earth rod D 25mm, L 1000mm, St/tZn Type Z, with triple knurled tenon    918404    BLITZDUCTOR VT combined lightning current and surge arrester
625150    DEHN earth rod D 25mm, L 1500mm, St/tZn Type S, with lead ball in the coupling    918405    BLITZDUCTOR VT combined lightning current and surge arrester
625151    DEHN earth rod D 25mm, L 1500mm, St/tZn Type Z, with triple knurled tenon    918407    BLITZDUCTOR VT surge arrester
630120    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D=20mm f. Rd 10mm Fl -30mm, single-screw techn.    918410    BLITZDUCTOR VT surge arrester
630129    Conn. clamp f. earth rods StSt, D 20mm f. Rd 10mm Fl -30mm, single-screw techn.    918411    BLITZDUCTOR VT surge arrester
630130    Conn. clamp f. earth rods St/tZn, D 20mm w. twin-screw cleat f. 2xRd 10/Fl 30x4mm    918420    BLITZDUCTOR VT combined lightning current and surge arrester
630139    Conn. clamp f. earth rods StSt, D 20mm w. twin-screw cleat f. 2xRd 10/Fl 30x4mm    918421    BLITZDUCTOR VT combined lightning current and surge arrester
634145    Erdungsspieß Profilstahl/tZn L450mm m. Schraube u. Flügelmutter M8 NIRO    919010    Shield terminal D 1.5 - 6.5 mm, nickel- plated brass, for busbars 18x3 mm
634160    Erdungsspieß Profilstahl/tZn L600mm m. Schraube u. Flügelmutter M8 NIRO    919011    Shield terminal D 5.0-11mm nickel- plated brass, for busbars 18x3 mm
635100    Profiled earth rod, 50x50x3mm, St/tZn L=1000mm, with connecting hole, D=11/13m    919012    Rail support with one shield terminal, tin-plated steel, for busbars 18x3 mm
635150    Profiled earth rod, 50x50x3mm, St/tZn L=1500mm, with connecting hole, D=11/13m    919013    Rail support with two shield terminals, tin-plated steel, for busbars 18x3 mm
635200    Profiled earth rod, 50x50x3mm, St/tZn L=2000mm, with connecting hole, D=11/13m    919014    Rail support, plastic, black, for busbars 18x3 mm
635250    Profiled earth rod, 50x50x3mm, St/tZn L=2500mm, with connecting hole, D=11/13m    919015    Terminal for busbars 18x3mm cross section max. 35mm² gr/y
640015    Anschlussschelle f. Rohrerder St/tZn D 2 7mm f. Rd 7-10/Fl -40mm    919016    Busbar, 18x3 mm Cu/Sn L 1000 mm
640150    Rohrerder St/tZn L 1500mm D 27x2,3mm     919030    Selfbonding rubber tape W 19mm L 9.0m black
644000    Earth. pipe w. drilling spiral L 1000mm with removable handle M8 connection    919031    Shield connection constant force spring D 4-10mm  StSt
646000    Earthing pipe with impact tip St/tZn L 600mm with M8 connection screw    919032    Shield connection constant force spring D 9-15mm  StSt
649005    Hammer ins. f. pipe earth electr. D25mm round L246mm f. Wacker hammers EH BH BHF    919033    Shield connection constant force spring D 14-22mm  StSt
649007    Hammer insert f. pipe earth electrode D25mm hexagon L256mm, Atlas Copco hammer    919034    Shield connection constant force spring D 18.5-29mm  StSt
649015    Connecting clamp f. pipe earthing electr. StSt  D 25mm f. Rd 7-10/Fl -40mm    919035    Shield connection constant force spring D 23.5-37mm  StSt
649150    Pipe earth electrode D 25x2mm L 1500mm StSt    919036    Shield connection constant force spring D 31-50mm  StSt
700000    Retaining device for earthing and short-circuiting devices and rods D=30mm    919037    Shield connection constant force spring D 44-70mm  StSt
700002    Retaining device for earthing and short-circuiting devices and rods D=40mm    919038    Shield connection constant force spring D 58-94mm  StSt
700003    Retaining device for earthing and short- circuit. devices a. rods D=30mm L=1500mm    919508    EMC spring terminal for BLITZDUCTOR CT
700004    Support bracket for three h.v.h.b.c. fuses and fuse tongs single part    919880    Jumper bar for DEHNconnect RK, 10-pole
700005    Support bracket for three h.v.h.b.c. fuses single part    919920    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
700006    Support bracket for voltage detector and rods D=24mm    919921    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
700007    Support bracket for voltage detector and rods D=30mm    919922    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
700008    Support bracket for voltage detector fuse tongs and rods D=40-45mm    919923    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
700011    Set of warning signs plastic for electrical installations    919940    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
700014    Support bracket for three h.v.h.b.c. fuses and fuse tongs    919941    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
700015    Support bracket for three h.v.h.b.c. fuses    919942    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
705500    Bolted-type connector with threaded bolt and nut M12x55mm    919943    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
705501    Connector, type A, M12 thread     919960    DEHNconnect RK Ex(i) surge protective terminal block
705504    Bolted-type connector M12x40mm with M12 female thread    919970    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
705510    Bolted-type connector with threaded bolt nut M16/M12    919977    Marking system for DEHNconnect RK two plates Nos. 1-50
706200    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (45°) with M12 female thread    919978    Covering plate for DEHNconnect RK blue
706235    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (45°) with threaded bolt and nut M12x35mm    919979    Covering plate for DEHNconnect RK yellow
706300    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled with terminal lug 45x30x9mm    919986    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
706600    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (45°) with M16 female thread    919987    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
706645    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (45°) with threaded bolt and nut M16x45mm    919988    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
707200    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (90°) with M12 female thread    919989    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
707235    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (90°) with threaded bolt und nut M12x35mm    919990    DEHNconnect RK surge protective terminal block
707600    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (90°) with M16 female thread    920000    Spark gap for roof supports with slot, 13 x 11 mm, IP 54
707645    Fixed ball point D=20mm angled (90°) with threaded bolt und nut M16x45mm    920211    Combined lightning current and surge arrester module BXT
711025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft D=20mm L=2500mm 120mm²    920220    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft D=20mm L=2500mm 120mm²    920222    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft D=20mm L=2500mm 120mm²    920224    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711045    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920225    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711046    Single-pole earth. and short-circ.device hexagon shaft D=20mm L=2500mm 120mm²    920240    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711049    Earthing and short-circuiting device, single-pole, rigid, T pin shaft    920242    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft D=20mm L=2500mm 120mm²    920244    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft D=20mm L=2500mm 120mm²    920245    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightn. current and surge arrester mod., shield earthing
711060    Earthing and short-circuiting device, single-pole, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920247    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920270    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711064    Earthing and short-circuiting device, single-pole, adjustable, T pin shaft    920271    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    920300    Base part for BLITZDUCTOR XT
711068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920301    Base part for BLITZDUCTOR XT Ex (i)
711069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    920308    BLITZDUCTOR XT earthing module
711317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920309    BLITZDUCTOR XT testing module
711325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920310    BLITZDUCTOR XT lightning current current arrester module
711331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    920320    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711350    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920322    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711351    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920324    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711353    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920325    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711354    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    920326    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711356    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920327    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920336    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920340    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920342    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920344    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920345    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    920346    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920347    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711366    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920350    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920354    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920362    Combined lightning current and surge arrester module BXT
711369    Earthing and short-circuiting device, three-pole, rigid, T-pin shaft    920364    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920370    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920371    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    920375    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920381    BLITZDUCTOR XT Ex (i) surge arrester module
711376    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920384    BLITZDUCTOR XT combined lightning current and surge arrester module
711377    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920389    BLITZDUCTOR XT surge arrester module
711378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920395    Shield terminals for BLITZDUCTOR XT
711379    Earthing and short-circuiting device, three-pole, adjustable, hexagon shaft    920399    Marking system for BLITZDUCTOR XT two plates Nos. 1-50
711380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    923011    Pair of connection brackets IF1  D 30mm -SET-
711382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    923016    Pair of connection brackets IF3  D 30mm -SET-
711383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    923019    Isolating spark gap for use in zone 2 hazard. areas, 2 conn. cables, L 1500 mm
711385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    923021    Isolating spark gap with 2 connections, Rd 10mm, StSt
711386    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    923023    Isolating spark gap with 2 connections, Rd 10mm, StSt
711387    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    923025    Connecting cable Cu 25mm² L 100 mm for EXFS 100 isolating spark gap
711388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    923035    Connecting cable Cu 25mm² L 200 mm for EXFS 100 isolating spark gap
711389    Earthing and short-circuiting device, three-pole, adjustable, T pin shaft    923045    Connecting cable Cu 25mm² L 300 mm for EXFS 100 isolating spark gap
711390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    923060    Isolating spark gap for use in zone 2 hazard. areas, 2 conn. cables, L 100 mm
711392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    923061    Isolating spark gap for use in zone 2 hazard. areas, 2 conn. cables, L 200 mm
711393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    923062    Isolating spark gap for use in zone 2 hazard. areas, 2 conn. cables, L 300 mm
712001    YM2 earthing cable 120mm²     923100    Isolating spark gap for hazardous areas 100kA
712025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft D=25mm L=2500mm 120mm²    923101    Isolating spark gap for hazardous areas 100kA with connecting cables 2x 2.0m
712031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft D=25mm L=2500mm 120mm²    923110    Fuse link D 24mm
712044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft D=25mm L=2500mm 120mm²    923116    Fuse link D 24mm
712045    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft D=25mm L=2500mm 120mm²    923117    Fuse link D 24mm
712046    E+K-Vorrichtung 1-polig Spindel 6-kant D  25mm L 2500mm 120mm²    923118    Fuse link D 24mm
712049    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft D=25mm L=2500mm 120mm²    923119    Fuse link D 24mm
712050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft D=25mm L=2500mm 120mm²    923123    Spark gap unit for voltage limiting device
712053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft D=25mm L=2500mm 120mm²    923126    Spark gap unit for voltage limiting device
712060    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    923127    Spark gap unit for voltage limiting device
712061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    924016    Surge arrester, D-Sub, 15-pole
712064    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    924017    Surge arrester, D-Sub, 9-pole
712065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    924018    Surge arrester, D-Sub, 25-pole
712068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    924019    Surge arrester, D-Sub, 9-pole
712069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    924046    Surge arrester, D-Sub, 25-pole
712073    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. dev. 120mm², univ. clamp hexagonal shaft    924051    Surge arrester, D-Sub, 15-pole
712075    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. dev 120mm², universal clamp hexagonal shaft    924061    Surge arrester, D-Sub, 9-pole
712076    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. dev 120mm², universal clamp hexagonal shaft    924270    Surge protective data protection module for socket installation
712107    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    924272    Surge protective data protection module for socket installation
712123    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    924274    Surge protective data protection module for socket installation
712125    E+K-Vorrichtung 1-polig  Spindel 6-kant D 25/30mm L 2500mm 120mm² m. Uni-Klemme    924328    Covering frame, single unit, for DEHNsafe, studio white
712127    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    924329    Central covering plate for DEHNsafe studio white
712135    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    924335    NSM Protector, socket outlet, titan whit e
712139    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    924336    Covering frame f. NSM Protector, titan white
712171    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. dev 120mm², universal clamp T pin shaft    924337    NSM Protector, socket outlet, silver
712172    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. dev 120mm², universal clamp T pin shaft    924338    Covering frame f. NSM Protector, silver
712173    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. dev 120mm², universal clamp T pin shaft    924339    NSM Protector, socket outlet, anthracite
712317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    924340    Covering frame f. NSM Protector, anthracite
712325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    924342    NSM Protector, socket outlet, studio white
712331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    924343    Covering frame f. NSM Protector, studio white
712350    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device    924350    Surge protection module for earthed outlets
712351    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, T pin shaft    924370    DEHNsafe surge arrester
712356    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    924389    DEHNflex A surge arrester
712357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    924395    DEHNflex D surge arrester
712358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    924396    DEHNflex M surge arrester
712359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    925001    BUStector surge arrester for EIB/KNX with connecting wires
712360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    925013    Surge arrester module AS interface
712362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    929010    Surge arrester with BNC connection, socket and plug
712363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    929024    DEHNlink surge arrester
712365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929026    DEHNlink surge arrester for surface mounting
712366    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929028    DEHNlink surge arrester
712367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929034    19" enclosure, 1 vert. module, shielded for 1-3 NET Protector protective boards
712368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929035    NET Protector surge arrester
712369    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929036    NET Protector surge arrester
712370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929037    NET Protector surge arrester
712372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929040    DEHNgate surge arrester
712373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    929042    DEHNgate surge arrester
712374    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929043    DEHNgate lightning current arrester
712375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929044    DEHNgate surge arrester
712376    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929045    DEHNgate lightning current arrester
712378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929047    DEHNgate combined lightning current and surge arrester
712379    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929048    DEHNgate combined lightning current and surge arrester
712380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929057    DEHNgate lightning current arrester
712382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929059    DEHNgate combined lightning current and surge arrester
712383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    929071    NET Protector surge arrester
712384    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929072    NET Protector surge arrester
712385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929075    NET Protector surge arrester
712386    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929081    DEHNlink surge arrester
712388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929095    4-pole earthing block for F sockets
712389    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929096    Earth conductor Cu 16mm² L 1000mm with ring cable lug W 17mm
712390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929100    DEHNpatch surge arrester
712392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929110    DEHNpatch surge arrester with 5m connecting cable and Hirose plug
712393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    929120    DEHNpatch surge arrester
712604    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable with PK1 base section    929121    DEHNpatch surge arrester
712802    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    929199    Mounting set f. DEHNpatch surge arrester consisting of DIN rail and rigid screws
712803    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    929496    Gas discharge tube for DEHNgate
712804    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    929497    Gas discharge tube f. DEHNgate
712806    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    929498    Gas discharge tube f. DEHNgate
712807    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    929499    Gas discharge tube for DEHNgate
712811    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    929921    DEHNpipe surge arrester
712812    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    929941    DEHNpipe surge arrester
712813    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    929960    DEHNpipe surge arrester
712815    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    929961    DEHNpipe surge arrester
712816    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    929962    DEHNpipe surge arrester
712841    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp hexagon shaft    929963    DEHNpipe surge arrester
712842    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp hexagon shaft    929964    DEHNpipe surge arrester
712843    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp hexagon shaft    929982    Cable gland M20, brass, shielded sealing range 6.5-9.5 mm
712845    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp hexagon shaft    929984    Cable gland M20, brass sealing range 7-10.5mm
712846    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp hexagon shaft    929996    Earthing ring set M20 for DEHNpipe with counter nut and 6.3mm plug
712861    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm² w. universal clamp T pin shaft    950102    DEHNguard surge arrester
712862    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp T pin shaft    950112    DEHNguard FM surge arrester
712863    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp T pin shaft    950120    DEHNguard T LI surge arrester
712865    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm² univ. clamp K-25mm T pin shaft    950130    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard T LI
712866    3-pole earthing and short-circ. device 120/50mm², universal clamp T pin shaft    950131    Surge arrester module f. DEHNguard T LI
712950    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device    950150    DEHNguard TT LI surge arrester
712951    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device    950151    DEHNguard TT LI surge arrester
715001    YM2 earthing cable 150mm²     950160    DEHNguard TNC LI surge arrester
715025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 150mm²    950170    DEHNguard TNS LI surge arrester
715031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 150mm²    950230    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard T
715044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 150mm²    950500    DEHNguard PV surge arrester
715046    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 150mm²    950501    DEHNguard PV surge arrester with short-circuiter
715050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 150mm²    950502    DEHNguard PV surge arrester with short-circuiter
715053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=25mm L=2500mm 150mm²    950505    DEHNguard PV FM surge arrester
715061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    950506    DEHNguard PV FM surge arrester with short-circuiter
715065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    950507    DEHNguard PV FM surge arrester with short-circuiter
715068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    951001    Spark-gap-based protection module for DEHNventil M
715069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    951050    N-PE spark-gap-based protection module 50kA for DEHNventil M
715317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951100    N-PE spark-gap-based protection module 100kA for DEHNventil M
715325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    951110    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    951115    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715350    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951200    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715351    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    951205    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715356    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951300    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951305    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951310    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715359    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951315    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951400    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    951405    DEHNventil M combined lightning current and surge arrester
715363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    952010    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard M...S
715365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952011    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard M ... S
715366    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952012    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard M ... S
715367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952013    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard M...S
715368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952014    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard M ... S
715369    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952015    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard M...S
715370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952016    Varistor-based protection module for DEHNguard M...S
715372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952017    Protection module for DEHNguard M...S
715373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    952018    Protection module for DEHNguard M
715374    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952030    DEHNgap C S, N-PE surge arrester
715375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952035    DEHNgap C S FM, N-PE surge arrester
715376    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952050    N-PE protection module for DEHNguard M TT ...
715378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952060    N-PE protection module for DEHNgap C S
715379    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952070    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952071    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952072    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    952073    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715384    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952074    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952075    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715386    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952076    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952077    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715389    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952078    DEHNguard S surge arrester
715390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952090    DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
715392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952091     DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
715393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    952092    DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
715604    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable with PK1 base section    952093    DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
715950    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type 2000    952094    DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
715951    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, type 2000    952095    DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
716001    YM2 earthing cable 16mm²     952096    DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
720010    Fixed ball point 20mm, clamp A 10mm     952097    DEHNguard S surge arrester
720012    Fixed ball point 20mm, clamp A 12mm     952098    DEHNguard S FM surge arrester
720014    Fixed ball point 20mm, clamp A 14mm     952110    DEHNguard M surge arrester
720016    Fixed ball point 20mm, clamp A 16mm     952115    DEHNguard M FM surge arrester
720018    Fixed ball point 20mm, clamp A 18mm     952200     DEHNguard M surge arrester
720020    Fixed ball point 20mm, clamp A 20mm     952205    DEHNguard M FM surge arrester
725001    YM2 earthing cable 25mm²     952300    DEHNguard M surge arrester
725010    Fixed ball point 25mm, clamp A 10mm     952302    DEHNguard M surge arrester
725012    Fixed ball point 25mm, clamp A 12mm     952303    DEHNguard M surge arrester
725014    Fixed ball point 25mm, clamp A 14mm     952305    DEHNguard M FM surge arrester
725016    Fixed ball point 25mm, clamp A 16mm     952307    DEHNguard M surge arrester
725018    Fixed ball point 25mm, clamp A 18mm     952308    ÜS-Ableiter DEHNguard M FM
725020    Fixed ball point 25mm, clamp A 20mm     952310    DEHNguard M surge arrester
725025    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    952315    DEHNguard M surge arrester
725031    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    952400    DEHNguard M surge arrester
725044    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    952405    DEHNguard M FM surge arrester
725045    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    953010    2-pole protection module 255V for DEHNrail M surge arrester
725046    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    953011    2-pole protection module 30V for DEHNrail M surge arrester
725048    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device hexagon shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    953012    2-pole protection module 60V for DEHNrail M surge arrester
725049    Earthing and short-circuiting device, single-pole, rigid, T pin shaft    953013    2-pole protection module 75V for DEHNrail M surge arrester
725050    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    953014    2-pole protection module 150V for DEHNrail M surge arrester
725052    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    953020    4-pole protection module 255V for DEHNrail M
725053    Single-pole earth. a. short-circ. device T pin shaft, D=20mm L=2500mm 25mm²    953200    DEHNrail M surge arrester
725060    Earthing and short-circuiting device, single-pole, adjustable, hexagon shaft    953201    DEHNrail M surge arrester
725061    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    953202    DEHNrail M surge arrester
725063    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    953203    DEHNrail M surge arrester
725064    Earthing and short-circuiting device, single-pole, adjustable, T pin shaft    953204    DEHNrail M surge arrester
725065    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    953205    DEHNrail M FM surge arrester
725067    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    953206    DEHNrail M FM surge arrester
725068    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    953207    DEHNrail M FM surge arrester
725069    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    953208    2-pole DEHNrail M FM surge arrester with remote signalling contact
725101    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp hexagon shaft    953209    DEHNrail M FM surge arrester
725103    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp hexagon shaft    953400    DEHNrail M surge arrester 255V, 4-pole
725104    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp hexagon shaft    953405    DEHNrail M surge arrester 255V 4-pole with remote signalling contact
725105    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 95mm², univ. clamp hexagon shaft    961001    Funkenstrecken-Schutzmodul für DEHNbloc M
725106    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp hexagon shaft    961002    Spark-gap-based protection module for DEHNbloc M
725107    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    961010    N-PE spark-gap-based  protection module for DEHNgap M
725108    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp T pin shaft    961101    DEHNgap M, N-PE lightning current arrester
725110    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp T pin shaft    961105    DEHNgap M FM, N-PE lightning current arrester
725112    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp T pin shaft    961110    DEHNbloc M lightning current arrester
725113    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp T pin shaft    961115    DEHNbloc M FM lightning current arrester
725114    Single-pole earthing and short-circ. device 25mm², univ. clamp T pin shaft    961120    DEHNbloc M lightning current arrester
725115    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    961125    DEHNbloc M FM lightning current arrester
725117    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    961140    DEHNbloc Maxi lightning current arrester
725123    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    961145    DEHNbloc Maxi FM lightning current arrester
725125    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    961160    DEHNgap Maxi, N-PE lightning current arrester
725127    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    961165    DEHNgap Maxi FM, N-PE lightning current arrester
725132    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    961175    DEHNbloc Maxi FM lightning current arrester
725134    E+K-Vorrichtung 1-polig  Spindel 6-kant D 25/30mm L 2500mm 25mm² m. Uni-Klemme    989406    Switchbox for information technology systems
725135    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    989408    Connection box for information technology systems
725136    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    990001    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 3kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725138    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    990002    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 6kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725139    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    990003    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 9kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725317    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990004    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 12kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725325    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990005    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 15kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725331    Single-pole earthing a. short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990006    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 18kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725357    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990007    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 21kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725358    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990008    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 24kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725359    Earthing and short-circuiting device, three-pole, rigid, hexagon shaft    990009    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 27kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725360    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990010    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 30kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725362    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990011    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 31kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725363    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990012    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 33kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725365    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990013    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 36kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725367    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990014    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 39kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725368    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990015    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 42kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725369    Earthing and short-circuiting device, three-pole, rigid, T pin shaft    990016    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 45kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725370    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990017    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 48kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725372    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990018    DEHNmid medium voltage arrester Ur: 51kV In: 10kA  line discharge class 1 indoor
725373    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990101    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 3kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725375    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990102    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 6kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725377    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990103    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 9kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725378    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990104    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 12kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725379    Earthing and short-circuiting device, three-pole, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990105    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 15kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725380    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990106    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 18kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725382    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990107    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 21kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725383    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990108    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 24kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725385    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990109    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 27kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725387    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990110    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 30kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725388    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990111    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 31kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725389    Earthing and short-circuiting device, three-pole, adjustable, T pin shaft    990112    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 33kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725390    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990113    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 36kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725392    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990114    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 39kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725393    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990115    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 42kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725604    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting cable with PK1 base section    990116    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 45kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725618    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990117    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 48kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725619    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, hexagon shaft    990118    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 51kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 normal creepage path
725620    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990201    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 15kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725621    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, rigid, T pin shaft    990202    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 18kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725718    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990203    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 21kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725719    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, hexagon shaft    990204    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 24kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725720    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990205    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 27kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725721    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, adjustable, T pin shaft    990206    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 30kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725802    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990207    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 31kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725804    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990208    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 33kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725806    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990209    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 36kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725807    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990210    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 39kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725811    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    990211    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 42kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725813    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    990212    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 45kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725815    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    990213    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 48kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725816    Three-pole earthing and short-circuiting device, universal clamp, T pin shaft    990214    DEHNmid MV arrester Ur: 51kV In: 10kA line disch. class 1 incr. creepage path
725821    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990301    DEHNtrack surge arrester Ur: 1.2kV In: 10kA line discharge class 3, d.c. type
725822    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990302    DEHNtrack surge arrester Ur: 2.4kV In: 10kA line discharge class 3, d.c. type
725823    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990303    DEHNtrack surge arrester Ur: 3.6kV In: 10kA line discharge class 3, d.c. type
725825    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft    990304    DEHNtrack surge arrester Ur: 4.8kV In: 10kA line discharge class 3, d.c. type
725826    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, hexagon shaft    994001    Impulse meter for MV arrester without measuring scale
725831    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft    994002    Impulse meter for MV arrester with measuring scale
725832    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft    994003    Disconnector 10kA f. MV arrester
725833    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft    994050    Terminal connection for surge arrester for cable lug fixing
725835    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft    994051    Terminal connection f. surge arrester f. conductor cable clamping up to D 9mm
725836    Three-pole earth. and short-circ. device 25/25mm², universal clamp, T pin shaft    994052    Terminal connection f. surge arrester f. conductor cable clamping up to D 16mm
728300    Earth connection plate with ball head cap    994053    Terminal connection for surge arrester f. conductor cable clamping D9...16mm
728500    Earth connection plate with ball head cap    994054    DIN fixing for surge arresters
728520    Earth connection plate with socket     994055    Angle bracket for surge arresters
731011    Fixed phase point, stirrup Al, D=11-33mm     994056    NEMA fixing for surge arresters
731013    Fixed phase point, stirrup Al, D=33-48mm     994057    Wall fixing for surge arresters
731015    Fixed phase point, stirrup Al, D=48-70mm     994058    TGL fixing for surge arresters
731027    Fixed phase point, stirrup Cu, D=11-33mm     994059    Traversen-Befestigung f. ÜS-Ableiter
731037    Fixed phase point, stirrup Cu, D=33-48mm     994060    Isolierhalterung f. ÜS-Ableiter